All entries by this author

Natalie Angier on Geek Chic, Obama, Women *

Jan 28th, 2009 | Filed by

Now that ‘smart is the new cool’ how about seeking out starry women in science?… Read the rest

Trial for Parents Who Chose ‘Faith’ Over Medicine *

Jan 28th, 2009 | Filed by

Parents of child dying of diabetes prayed for her recovery but did not take her to a doctor.… Read the rest

Johann Hari on ‘Respect’ for Oppressive Religions *

Jan 28th, 2009 | Filed by

The right to think and speak freely failed to ‘respect’ the ‘unique sensitivities’ of the religious.… Read the rest

Taliban Destroying Education in Swat *

Jan 28th, 2009 | Filed by

Destroying the education infrastructure is part of the Taleban’s campaign to uproot the existing system.… Read the rest

A Nation of Believers And Nonbelievers? – A Letter to President Obama

Jan 28th, 2009 | By Ronald Aronson

Mr. President, Your stirring inauguration speech
was a great moment for all Americans. When you
said, “We are a nation of Christians and
Muslims, Jews and Hindus ­ and nonbelievers.” it
was an especially heartening moment for atheists,
agnostics, secularists, and humanists. Treated
as invisible throughout the 2008 election
campaign, we were enormously cheered to hear you
including us as you took office. This should
remind every American how important it will be to
have a president genuinely devoted to reaching
out to people of different backgrounds and beliefs.

But, as you begin your term, we nonbelievers are
still troubled by much that has gone on during
the last year. You know how offensive to gays was
your choice of … Read the rest

Alma mater

Jan 28th, 2009 11:41 am | By

A commenter has been telling us lately (but with no actual checkable references) that Obama is not all that intelligent because he got only Bs at Harvard. Since all the commenter has offered in response to a request for references is that somebody said that on a (nameless) BBC documentary last week, there’s no need to pay any attention, but in looking for something else I happened on an interesting piece about Obama’s student days from last February. There’s not much about having an average mind (there’s nothing, actually) and there is a fair amount of the other thing. Of course the reporter could be a raving fan and have simply thrown all the ‘average mind’ stuff into the trash … Read the rest

Kara lost the strength to speak the day before she died

Jan 28th, 2009 11:17 am | By

Responsible, careful, sensible, loving parenthood.

Kara Neumann, 11, had grown so weak that she could not walk or speak. Her parents, who believe that God alone has the ability to heal the sick, prayed for her recovery but did not take her to a doctor. After an aunt from California called the sheriff’s department here, frantically pleading that the sick child be rescued, an ambulance arrived at the Neumann’s rural home on the outskirts of Wausau and rushed Kara to the hospital. She was pronounced dead on arrival. The county coroner ruled that she had died from diabetic ketoacidosis resulting from undiagnosed and untreated juvenile diabetes. The condition occurs when the body fails to produce insulin, which leads to

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Greater love hath no father

Jan 27th, 2009 3:50 pm | By

Another one, from last July.

Police in Atlanta have been investigating the death of a 25-year-old Pakistani woman, who was allegedly murdered by her father in the name of family honor. She wanted out of an arranged marriage, but her father thought a divorce would bring shame to the family.

And he also thought that the ‘shame’ that Sandeela Kanwal would ‘bring’ to the family was more significant than her life was. He thought the ‘shame’ was so important that it justified murdering his own adult daughter. Instead of thinking of it as something regrettable and painful but as a speck of dust compared to the value of his daughter – he thought the opposite – he thought his … Read the rest

John Updike 1932-2009 *

Jan 27th, 2009 | Filed by

David Foster Wallace consigned Updike, with Mailer and Roth, to the authorial category of Great Male Narcissists.… Read the rest

Jerry Coyne on Seeing and Believing *

Jan 27th, 2009 | Filed by

The real question is whether there is a philosophical incompatibility between religion and science.… Read the rest

Attenborough Gets Hate Mail From God Fans *

Jan 27th, 2009 | Filed by

They tell him to burn in hell for not giving God credit for hummingbirds.… Read the rest

Islamists Kidnap Teachers in Southern Philippines *

Jan 27th, 2009 | Filed by

Officials warned: the kidnapping would discourage others from teaching poor children in Muslim areas.… Read the rest

A Step Forward in Texas Science Education *

Jan 27th, 2009 | Filed by

Texas State Board of Ed elected to get rid of bogus ‘strengths and weaknesses’ claim in textbooks.… Read the rest

Islamists Take Baidoa, Promise Sharia *

Jan 27th, 2009 | Filed by

‘We shall make changes in the town and will rule by Islamic law,’ spokesman told hundreds at stadium.… Read the rest

New Guy Ditches 8 Years of Bad Policies *

Jan 27th, 2009 | Filed by

Moves on freedom of information, presidential archives, all in direction of more transparency.… Read the rest

Obama Tells Regulators to Tighten Auto Rules *

Jan 27th, 2009 | Filed by

The directives make good on a campaign pledge and signal a sharp reversal of Bush administration policy.… Read the rest

Sheer poetry

Jan 26th, 2009 6:19 pm | By

Wo, what’s that?! Oh – it’s a blast of fresh air.

President Barack Obama has called for the US to become energy independent, saying its reliance on foreign oil and global warming posed threats…Mr Obama ordered the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review its refusal of a waiver which had previously allowed California to set its own – stricter – vehicle emission and fuel efficiency standards. He said California had taken bold moves in implementing the standards. Mr Obama said: “The days of Washington dragging its heels are over. My administration will not deny facts. We will be guided by them.”

Cue the Hallelujah chorus! And Aretha Franklin singing The Star-spangled Banner! And Springsteen doing Eyes on the Prize … Read the rest

The Biggest Policy Reversal of All *

Jan 26th, 2009 | Filed by

‘My administration will not deny facts. We will be guided by them.’… Read the rest

Thailand Bans Current Issue of The Economist *

Jan 26th, 2009 | Filed by

The issue contains an article about an Australian writer who was jailed for slandering the monarchy.… Read the rest

Thailand: Writer Sentenced for Lèse Majesté *

Jan 26th, 2009 | Filed by

Harry Nicolaides alluded in a novel to the way King Bhumipol’s son treated one of his mistresses.… Read the rest