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It could be understood as consistent

Feb 4th, 2009 4:49 pm | By

Kenneth Miller replies to Jerry Coyne on religion and science.

I made no argument that this happy confluence of natural events and physical constants proves the existence of God in any way—only that it could be understood or interpreted as consistent with the Divine by a person of faith.

Ah. Well sure it could, but lots of things could be understood or interpreted as consistent with the Divine by a person of faith. In fact the number of things that could be so understood and interpreted is, pretty obviously, staggeringly large. Persons of faith have no trouble coming up with the ability to understand and interpret whatever there is with whatever they want there to be; that’s what … Read the rest

Ahmed Rashid on the Taliban in Pakistan *

Feb 4th, 2009 | Filed by

They’ve taken over Swat completely; Rashid has never been so depressed.… Read the rest

Sarah Chayes on the Taliban in Afghanistan *

Feb 4th, 2009 | Filed by

The corruption is so bad that people are starting to prefer the Taliban again.… Read the rest

Mother of Octuplets Deluged With Media Offers *

Feb 4th, 2009 | Filed by

Mothers of dreary routine one baby at a time go unremunerated and unwatched.… Read the rest

Radio Director Murdered in Somalia *

Feb 4th, 2009 | Filed by

The director of Somalia’s independent HornAfrik radio station, Said Tahlil Ahmed, has been killed.… Read the rest

Nat Hentoff on UN and ‘Defamation of Religion’ *

Feb 4th, 2009 | Filed by

Why a gag rule on insulting religions is not a great idea.… Read the rest

Nurse Suspended For Offering Prayer *

Feb 4th, 2009 | Filed by

She was there as a nurse, not as a cleric.… Read the rest

Nurse Uses Job to Evangelize *

Feb 4th, 2009 | Filed by

Code of conduct: you must not use your professional status to promote causes not related to health.… Read the rest

The BBC and PBS: A Contrast in Complaints Procedures

Feb 4th, 2009 | By Allen Esterson

What procedural process does the BBC have in place to deal with serious complaints about one of its programmes? I recently have had the opportunity to discover this from the point of view of a complainant. The background is as follows.

In April 2008 I posted an article concerning a BBC World Service radio programme that gave a completely one-sided account of the reception in Britain of a lecture by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, in which he floated the notion of some recognition within the British legal system of certain civil applications of Sharia law that are currently practised under the auspices of the Islamic Sharia Council. (Given the characteristically convoluted expression of his views, what … Read the rest

‘God Please Smite This Irritating Guy For Me’ *

Feb 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

Rev. Fred Nile expects god to intervene in the toxic affairs of his minor political party. … Read the rest

Six Months for Double ‘Honour’ Killing *

Feb 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

The brother had an explosion of rage, so that’s all right then.… Read the rest

India: Even Courts Can’t Stop ‘Honour’ Killings *

Feb 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

The courts are swamped by young couples seeking protection from parents who have turned into enemies.… Read the rest

Another Bloodbath in Darfur? *

Feb 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

Sudan’s army appears set to launch an attack on Muhajeria, whose civilian population approaches 50,000. … Read the rest

Thailand: Government Cracks Down on Media *

Feb 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

Justice ministry plans to censor 3,000 to 4,000 Websites for posting material offensive to the Thai monarchy.… Read the rest

HRW on Murder of Russian Human Rights Lawyer *

Feb 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

‘For victims of human rights abuses in Chechnya, Markelov’s name was synonymous with hope for justice.’… Read the rest

There Is a Conflict Between Science and Religion *

Feb 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

Whether the universe and life itself had a supernatural cause is an empirical question.… Read the rest

On Rights and Sexuality

Feb 3rd, 2009 | By Alexander Park

The combination of the passage of proposition 8 in California and Barack Obama’s decision to have Rick Warren give the invocation at his inauguration caused an outcry on the left concerning the issue of gay rights. Among the various arguments that arose during this time, one ideological split struck me as particularly noteworthy, and potentially troublesome. On the one hand there seemed to be a certainty on the left that homosexuality is rooted in biology. On the other hand the right seemed just as certain that homosexuality is not rooted in biology but is instead freely chosen as a “lifestyle.”

My specific concern with this split pertains to the short-sightedness on the part of the left when advancing the argument … Read the rest

Turn the music down!

Feb 3rd, 2009 11:59 am | By

There was some discussion yesterday about whether support for the right to abortion entails having to support a right to fertility treatment. In particular the question was ‘[if you] see abortion as a woman’s right to control the reproductive functions of her own body’ then how is fertility treatment different?

My answer is that I don’t see abortion that way, not exactly. A right to abortion clearly can be described that way, but it doesn’t follow that therefore if one supports a right to abortion one also has to support a right to anything and everything else that can be described that way, and that’s why I don’t exactly see abortion that way. I don’t generally talk about a woman’s … Read the rest

Anything goes

Feb 3rd, 2009 9:51 am | By

Simon Barnes says approving things about Darwin, David Attenborough, and evolution – but then he gets down to the real business of his piece, which is (you’ll never guess) chiding those pesky atheists. In fact the approving things turn out to be apparently just some throat-clearing en route to what really matters, which is chorus 3,987,281 of ‘fundamentalism/creationism is bad but those tiresome sciencey atheists are much much much worse.’

So much, then, for benign creation; let’s leave the creationists to fight that one out among themselves. But what of the legions of self-trumpeting atheists? What of Richard Dawkins, who had the arrogance to write a fat book about God without troubling to read up on theology, a discipline that

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Stanley Fish Loves Polygamy on TV *

Feb 2nd, 2009 | Filed by

The man is the center of the universe and the women compete for his attention; what’s not to like?… Read the rest