All entries by this author

Saudi Men Arrested for Seeking Signed Book *

Mar 8th, 2009 | Filed by

The writer is a woman, so accepting a signed book from her is a criminal act.… Read the rest

Cultural Events ‘On the Rise’ in Saudi Arabia *

Mar 8th, 2009 | Filed by

Sort of. But only if you start with very low standards.… Read the rest

BBC Finds ‘Old Sensitivities’ in Sudan *

Mar 8th, 2009 | Filed by

Joyous smiles of religious fervour – the Mahdi – Gordon – Churchill – Islam – colonialism. See?… Read the rest

Hindu Fundamentalists Attack Women *

Mar 7th, 2009 | Filed by

Sarah Aboobacker, a Muslim social critic in Mangalore, says all fundamentalists want to control women.… Read the rest

Mary Kenny Declares Atheism Immoral *

Mar 7th, 2009 | Filed by

Catholic church in Poland ‘upheld moral values in opposition to the official culture of atheistic materialism.’… Read the rest

Namazie and Ahadi at European Parliament *

Mar 7th, 2009 | Filed by

To discuss the women’s rights situation in Iran, concerns about execution cases and Sharia in Britain.… Read the rest

Hitchens on UN Resolution 62/154 *

Mar 7th, 2009 | Filed by

The OIC is demanding through the UN that Islam be officially shielded from any criticism of itself.… Read the rest

Vatican Defends Brazilian Archbishop *

Mar 7th, 2009 | Filed by

Cardinal says ‘the twins’ had ‘a right to live.’ … Read the rest

Anti-sharia Demo in London *

Mar 7th, 2009 | Filed by

‘Demand one secular law and an end to cultural relativism and racism, and defend universal rights.’… Read the rest

Moral squalor

Mar 7th, 2009 11:58 am | By

The Vatican demonstrates its moral ugliness again.

A senior Vatican cleric has defended the excommunication in Brazil of the mother and doctors of a young girl who had an abortion with their help…Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re told Italian paper La Stampa that the twins “had the right to live” and attacks on Brazil’s Catholic Church were unfair…Cardinal Re, who heads the Roman Catholic Church’s Congregation for Bishops and the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, told La Stampa that the archbishop had been right to excommunicate the mother and doctors. “It is a sad case but the real problem is that the twins conceived were two innocent persons, who had the right to live and could not be eliminated,” he

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Say what you like provided you respect beliefs

Mar 7th, 2009 11:02 am | By

Hitchens ponders the UN resolution ‘Combating defamation of religions.’

Paragraph 5 “expresses its deep concern that Islam is frequently and wrongly associated with human rights violations and terrorism,” while Paragraph 6 “[n]otes with deep concern the intensification of the campaign of defamation of religions and the ethnic and religious profiling of Muslim minorities in the aftermath of the tragic events of 11 September 2001.”…In Paragraph 6, an obvious attempt is being made to confuse ethnicity with confessional allegiance. Indeed this insinuation (incidentally dismissing the faith-based criminality of 9/11 as merely “tragic”) is in fact essential to the entire scheme. If religion and race can be run together, then the condemnations that racism axiomatically attracts can be surreptitiously extended to religion,

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Sunny Hundal on Violence Against Women *

Mar 6th, 2009 | Filed by

There are deep-rooted cultural traditions that value men more than women, and this has consequences.… Read the rest

Barmaid Says She Doesn’t Hate God *

Mar 6th, 2009 | Filed by

Jesus and Mo hate leprechauns though.… Read the rest

Black Triangle on Meningitis Vaccine Scare *

Mar 6th, 2009 | Filed by

The Independent runs a scaremongering headline on a non-story. Brilliant.… Read the rest

Blair Did God a Lot *

Mar 6th, 2009 | Filed by

Blair had a team of ‘faith advisors’ who checked that his politics were in line with his religious beliefs.… Read the rest

Kenyan Human Rights Activist Killed *

Mar 6th, 2009 | Filed by

Oscar Kamau Kingara was known for his criticisms of the Kenyan police, whom he accused of torture and murder.… Read the rest

Brazil: Health Minister Rebukes the Church *

Mar 6th, 2009 | Filed by

‘This religion, wrongly saying it is defending a life, puts another life in danger that is as important as any other.’… Read the rest

Dawkins on Purpose *

Mar 6th, 2009 | Filed by

The brain is a complex adaptive system with a purpose that emerges from its developmental history.… Read the rest

Grayling on Polkinghorne and Beale *

Mar 6th, 2009 | Filed by

A scandal that the Royal Society is allowing its premises to be used for the launch of this book.… Read the rest

Church Tries to Block Raped Child’s Abortion *

Mar 6th, 2009 | Filed by

Brazil: 9-year-old girl was pregnant with twins; the Catholic church tried to prevent an abortion.… Read the rest