All entries by this author

What Scruton’s parents would have said

Mar 14th, 2009 10:53 am | By

Roger Scruton has a hilariously funny piece in The American Spectator in which he starts from the familiar conceit of comparing a Good Past with a Fallen Present, doing it by way of his parents and their sensible modest patriotic postwar humanism. It looks suspicious from the outset, given the obvious harmony between the views Scruton attributes to his parents and his own (notwithstanding the basic difference in religious belief). It looks suspicious from the outset, and it looks more suspicious as it goes on, and then there comes a moment when suspension of disbelief falls apart altogether amid snorts of laughter.

The British Humanist Association is currently running a campaign against religious faith. It has bought advertising space on

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The Sarcastic Times *

Mar 13th, 2009 | Filed by

Rachel Maddow’s humor is, actually, pretty serious stuff.… Read the rest

Review of Nigel Warburton on Free Speech *

Mar 13th, 2009 | Filed by

With admirable clarity, this VSI shows us how wobbly, hazy, but unavoidable that line turns out to be.… Read the rest

Sea Levels Will Rise Twice as Fast as Predicted *

Mar 13th, 2009 | Filed by

New studies suggest that global warming could strike harder and sooner than expected.… Read the rest

Climate Change Already at Worst-case *

Mar 13th, 2009 | Filed by

Waters could rise by over a metre across the world with huge impacts for hundreds of millions of people. … Read the rest

German Teenage Gunman Hated Women *

Mar 13th, 2009 | Filed by

Kretschmer was a woman-hater who killed to take revenge on the whole female sex, a neighbour said.… Read the rest

Pope ‘Hurt’ by Hostility Over Holocaust-denier *

Mar 13th, 2009 | Filed by

‘Saddened by the fact that even Catholics thought they had to attack me with open hostility.’… Read the rest

Kambakhsh’s Brother on Bad Day for Afghanistan *

Mar 13th, 2009 | Filed by

There is no rule of law, even at the Supreme Court in Kabul, so what chance do people in the provinces have?… Read the rest

He knows how many people are supporting him, and that gives him strength

Mar 13th, 2009 11:56 am | By

The brother of Pervez Kambakhsh is angry and upset not just for his brother but for the people of Afghanistan.

People want justice, but this shows that justice is impossible. People want fairness, not only for my brother, but for the whole of Afghanistan, because everyone is a victim of this…Last year there were protests in 15 provinces on a single day, to try to get justice for Pervez. The people who marched were marching for democracy, marching for justice, and they have been disappointed. These people are the future of Afghanistan, but they have been ignored by the people who are fighting against democracy and against human rights. They are fundamentalists…These fundamentalists have put pressure on the court. No

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Pervez Kambaksh Faces 20 Years in Hell *

Mar 12th, 2009 | Filed by

Afghanistan’s highest court ruled against Kambaksh without even hearing his defence.… Read the rest

Pervez Kambaksh and the Advance of the Taliban *

Mar 12th, 2009 | Filed by

20 years for circulating an article about women’s rights would make a mockery of any judicial system.… Read the rest

Johann Hari: Africa’s Hidden War on Women *

Mar 12th, 2009 | Filed by

Girls have their genitals chopped off; old women risk being killed as witches.… Read the rest

Fewer Billionaires *

Mar 12th, 2009 | Filed by

Of the 1,125 billionaires who made last year’s ranking, 373 fell off the list.… Read the rest

Saudi Prince Walid Advertises Billionaire Status *

Mar 12th, 2009 | Filed by

There are 30% fewer billionaires in the world now. Walid bin Talal wants you to know he is still one of them.… Read the rest

Free Speech: Liberty and License

Mar 12th, 2009 | By Nigel Warburton

Nigel Warburton is a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the Open University, as well as the author of a number of bestselling books on the subject. Below is an excerpt from his latest book, Free Speech: A Very Short Introduction, on liberty versus licence to say what you want.

Defenders of free speech almost without exception recognize the need for some limits to the freedom they advocate. In other words, liberty should not be confused with licence. Complete freedom of speech would permit freedom to slander, freedom to engage in false and highly misleading advertising, freedom to publish sexual material about children, freedom to reveal state secrets, and so on. Alexander Meiklejohn, a thinker who was particularly concerned to … Read the rest

Ancient and Fraternal Order of Hucksters

Mar 11th, 2009 12:36 pm | By

Okay, now we get the fun part. We visit the Duchy itself. We see pictures of all the pretty little tincture bottles with their mediciney-looking droppers so that you can measure out the exactly precisely correct dosage of the dandelion-tinted water and not use either too much or too little which could be fatal or seriously discomfiting. We see that the tinctures are sold exclusively in selected Boots stores and in Waitrose, and we are suitably impressed. Then (well prepared for the erudition and profundity ahead) we are allowed to read what the Prince of Wales thinks.

HRH The Prince of Wales has always been an advocate of a requirement for fundamental reappraisal of the way we view health.

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A nosegay from the Vatican

Mar 11th, 2009 12:08 pm | By

Oh isn’t the Vatican just too adorable? It’s not so busy excommunicating doctors who save the lives of raped little girls by aborting their pregnancies (yes I know that was a Brazilian archbishop and not the Vatican as such, but the Vat sets the policy) that it can’t find time to exercise its puckish sense of humour and love of fun. No indeed, it makes a point of celebrating international women’s day by insulting women with an article about washing machines in l’Osservatore Romano on international Women’s Day. Hahahahahaha – that is so funny.

The Vatican newspaper says that perhaps the washing machine did more to liberate women in the 20th century than the pill or the right

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It’s Here at Last – Quantum Jumping *

Mar 11th, 2009 | Filed by

The shocking yet immensely effective technique transforms anyone into universe-hopping utopian beings.… Read the rest

Duchy Herbals Detox Tincture *

Mar 11th, 2009 | Filed by

How to use Duchy Herbals Detox Tincture: take 2.5ml in a glass of water twice per day.… Read the rest

Irony Files: Private Jet for Global Warming Junket *

Mar 11th, 2009 | Filed by

Prince Charles will travel by private jet on a tour to campaign against global warming.… Read the rest