I saw a headline at BBC News today – on the Manchester page, so doubtless it reads differently to Mancunians. It read
Tributes to flat stabbing victim
Sorry, no offense to the departed, but you must admit…… Read the rest
I saw a headline at BBC News today – on the Manchester page, so doubtless it reads differently to Mancunians. It read
Tributes to flat stabbing victim
Sorry, no offense to the departed, but you must admit…… Read the rest
Hit him with nail-studded boards, set him on fire, cattle prodded him, ran over him with Mercedes SUV.… Read the rest
And tell Jeremy if there are any bugs. It’s a good game; have fun.… Read the rest
Can’t imagine why.… Read the rest
Psychologist claims to help people ‘increase their heterosexual potential’; RCP cites lack of evidence.… Read the rest
A sentence short of death in blasphemy cases is un-Islamic and unconstitutional.… Read the rest
Typical of the moral blindness of the Catholic church on the condom issue – the archbishop of Sydney talks a lot of emollient drivel about sexual morality as the putative reason for saying condoms make the AIDS epidemic worse – without ever mentioning the blindingly obvious (to anyone but a moral idiot) that condoms are needed because AIDS transmission involves two people, one of whom can be as sexually faithful as any pope or archbishop could desire and still be infected by the other party. Usually this cashes out to women infected by men. The archbishop talks and talks and talks and talks and never mentions this. It is wicked to fail to mention it.
… Read the restTo blame Catholics and Pope
Paul Fidalgo on Coyne, Dawkins, Myers, Scott, and ‘instigator’ atheism v the other kind.… Read the rest
The Southall Story celebrates what Salman Rushdie described in The Satanic Verses as ‘the city visible but unseen.’… Read the rest
Victor Stenger isolates and debunks the claims of ‘quantum theology’ and ‘quantum spirituality.’… Read the rest
Non-marital sex bad therefore condoms no help. Uninfected spouse should have married someone else.… Read the rest
Editorial in Church’s in-house mag challenges belief that the bible outlaws homosexuality.… Read the rest
Defamation resolutions conflate individual rights and liberties with protection for ideas, religions and gods.… Read the rest
Conflating religious criticism with bigotry, Islamic states and their allies are fashioning new political cudgels.… Read the rest
Those who think Swat is a good idea have delusions about their ability to contain revolution.… Read the rest
The accommodationist position of the NAS and the NCSE compromises the science they aspire to defend. … Read the rest
A ‘person who manages many immoral, anti-religious and anti-revolutionary sites’ should be executed.… Read the rest
It’s a funny thing how the ‘athests should shut up’ crowd is constantly passing back and forth this old crumbling shredding battered item labeled ‘atheists use intemperate language’ and then when you look at them turn out to be so unpleasant themselves. They’re a vituperative bunch to be giving advice to other people about not being so foghorn-like.
Look at Mark Vernon for instance. He’s always boasting of his own superlative and superior uncertainty, his better than anything else agnosticism, and yet when it comes to characterizing people he disagrees with, why, he throws uncertainty to the winds and just gets right down to name-calling.
… Read the restJulian Baggini was asking militant atheists to turn down the volume in the Guardian yesterday.
Spokesman for Swat Taleban said his movement’s aim is enforcement of Sharia in all of Pakistan. … Read the rest
There is no higher authority that can legitimize the practice of torture. It is a crime under international law.… Read the rest