The problem comes when you try to make MN into a rule that now and forever defines what science is. … Read the rest
All entries by this author
Coyne on Mooney and Testing the Supernatural
Jun 12th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Clearly some claims about the supernatural can be tested (and rejected) by science. … Read the rest
Theistic Evolutionist Beats Hasty Retreat
Jun 12th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Ken Miller’s first and only defense seems to be a denial of most of the implications of an interventionist deity.… Read the rest
Strident and shrill
Jun 12th, 2009 11:32 am | By Ophelia BensonA note or two on Night Waves.
I think the most striking thing about both Bunting and Khan is the callous frivolity of their claims. This is probably inevitable when religious apologists are invited to defend religions from charges of injustice and cruelty – but then that’s what’s wrong with religious apologetics, isn’t it.
Bunting for instance started by saying, in a tone of well-feigned bewilderment, that she just really didn’t quite understand what I was talking about, because it seemed to her that in any religious tradition there is interpretation, and ‘the way the way Christian teaching has changed over two thousand years is enormous and it continues to change.’ But she must know perfectly well – how … Read the rest
Bishops Met to Discuss Fallout from Ryan Report
Jun 11th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Said it would be wrong to remove religious orders from the managing of schools.… Read the rest
Irish Abuse Victims March
Jun 11th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘It was as if you were inside prison and you don’t talk about it. You didn’t dare speak out against a religious order.’… Read the rest
Cardinal Declined to Meet With Angry Survivors
Jun 11th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
We would have loved to, but we had to attend a meeting.… Read the rest
The law of the Brothers
Jun 10th, 2009 12:10 pm | By Ophelia BensonHitchens too sees flaws in Obama’s Cairo speech.
Take the single case in which our president touched upon the best-known fact about the Islamic “world”: its tendency to make women second-class citizens. He mentioned this only to say that “Western countries” were discriminating against Muslim women! And how is this discrimination imposed? By limiting the wearing of the head scarf or hijab…The clear implication was an attack on the French law that prohibits the display of religious garb or symbols in state schools.
He then quotes ‘from an excellent commentary by an Algerian-American visiting professor at the University of Michigan Law School, Karima Bennoune, who says’
… Read the restI have just published research conducted among the many people of Muslim, Arab
Alternative ‘Medicine’ Goes Mainstream
Jun 10th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
An underground medical system with millions of people using it on blind faith.… Read the rest
Dublin: Solidarity March for Abuse Victims
Jun 10th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
The scandal of the abuse was described as Ireland’s mini holocaust by several campaigners today.… Read the rest
More Emetic ‘Faith’ Blather from Blair
Jun 10th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘Faith matters. Even if you are not of religious faith yourself.’ Heavy, dude.… Read the rest
Blair Thinks ‘Religious Literacy’ Will Help
Jun 10th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Dialogue, different faiths, understanding, peace, Islamophobia, communities, deeper, beliefs.… Read the rest
Blair Begins ‘School Faith Scheme’
Jun 10th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
‘Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s Face To Faith project’ does God with a vengeance.… Read the rest
MHRA Licences Homeopathic ‘Therapy’
Jun 10th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Pills are labelled ‘a homoeopathic medicinal product used with the homoeopathic tradition.’… Read the rest
Hitchens on Obama in Cairo
Jun 10th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Does the president think that the veil and the burqa are also freely chosen fashion statements?… Read the rest
Malaysia: Islamists v Sisters in Islam
Jun 10th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Sisters in Islam should be investigated and declared ‘haram’ if it is found to be anti-Islam.… Read the rest
Baptist Pastor Offers ‘Imprecatory Prayers’
Jun 10th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Wiley Drake is asking the deity to kill Obama.… Read the rest
BNP Leader Pelted With Eggs
Jun 9th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Number of people voting BNP went up slightly, with the party benefitting from collapse in Labour vote. … Read the rest
Align Those Chakras
Jun 9th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
A visit to the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival: strapped in for some top-shelf bullshit.… Read the rest
Islamist ‘Justice’ in Kismayo
Jun 9th, 2009 |
Filed by Ophelia Benson
Hundreds of people flocked to Freedom Park to see a man’s hand chopped off.… Read the rest