All entries by this author

The community wheeled about as one

May 5th, 2009 4:22 pm | By

Martha Nussbaum says there are liberal Muslims in India – though she doesn’t say how many or what percentage they are or how influential they are. She leaves a lot of details out of her account, which makes it less credible than it might be.

She also starts off with the familiar silly and misleading ‘community’-talk –

India’s Muslim community strongly condemned the terrorist acts and immediately took steps to demonstrate its loyalty to the nation…The world saw a deeply nationalist community, one loyal to the liberal values of a nation that has yet to treat it justly. It was not the first time India’s Muslims have demonstrated a peaceful embrace of the country’s founding values. The personal experience of

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Myers on Eagleton on God *

May 5th, 2009 | Filed by

Ditchkins has made the ghastly error of failing to write The Eagleton Delusion or Eagleton Is Not Great.… Read the rest

Holbo on Fish on Eagleton on God *

May 5th, 2009 | Filed by

Don’t they teach irony in the English department any more? Holbo thinks they should.… Read the rest

Rosenhouse on Fish on Eagleton on God *

May 5th, 2009 | Filed by

‘Now here comes that most odius and content-free New York Times columnist, Stanley Fish…’… Read the rest

Carl Zimmer on Flu Genes Furiously Evolving *

May 5th, 2009 | Filed by

The current outbreak shows how complex and mysterious the evolution of viruses is.… Read the rest

Why Do People Prefer Faith to Thought? *

May 5th, 2009 | Filed by

The great discoveries were not made by those agog at the wonders of the divine, but by those intrigued by the wonders of the mundane.… Read the rest

David Bromwich on the Persistence of Empire *

May 5th, 2009 | Filed by

We love the idea that we are good; that we have and practice the best way of life.… Read the rest

Ali Eteraz: Pakistan is Already an Islamic State *

May 5th, 2009 | Filed by

Pakistan’s flawed constitutional framework forces citizens to refer to their views on life through the lens of ‘Islam.’… Read the rest

Martha Nussbaum: Islamic Liberalism Under Fire *

May 5th, 2009 | Filed by

Liberal values are not tepid and centrist, but truly radical in a world of violence and quasi–fascist forces.… Read the rest

Cognitive Science for Teachers *

May 4th, 2009 | Filed by

Abstract thinking is not something our brains are designed to be good at or to enjoy. … Read the rest

Media Can’t Resist a Good Panic Story *

May 4th, 2009 | Filed by

The problem is, there is no panic story.… Read the rest

George Scialabba on ‘Future of Liberalism’ Books *

May 4th, 2009 | Filed by

The problem with socialism is that it would take too many evenings. The problem with contemporary liberalism is that it takes too few. … Read the rest

Delara Darabi: Oh Mother, I Can See the Noose *

May 4th, 2009 | Filed by

Rights groups inside and outside Iran reacted with horror as news of the secret hanging seeped out.… Read the rest

Who Would Be Female Under Islamic Law? *

May 4th, 2009 | Filed by

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown is the kind of Muslim woman who maddens reactionary Muslim men and their asinine female followers. … Read the rest

The glorious transfigured future

May 4th, 2009 11:44 am | By

Let’s see Fish and Eagleton – or should I adopt the latter’s sophisticated witticism and call them Eaglefish? – sneer at progress, liberalism and enlightenment in the context of Delara Derabi’s last minutes, and her parents’ experience of her last minutes. First some Eaglefish sneering –

Progress, liberalism and enlightenment — these are the watchwords of those, like Hitchens, who believe that in a modern world, religion has nothing to offer us…[W]e are where we always were, confronted with a choice between a flawed but aspiring religious faith or a spectacularly hubristic faith in the power of unaided reason and a progress that has no content but, like the capitalism it reflects and extends, just makes its valueless way

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Morris Zapp has gone downhill

May 4th, 2009 9:55 am | By

Stanley Fish is moved to let us know that he is just as woolly and assertive and bad-mannered and rhetorical as Terry Eagleton and Mark Vernon and Madeleine Bunting and the rest of the ‘new atheists are bad‘ crowd.

[T]he British critic Terry Eagleton asks, “Why are the most unlikely people, including myself, suddenly talking about God?” His answer, elaborated in prose that is alternately witty, scabrous and angry, is that the other candidates for guidance — science, reason, liberalism, capitalism — just don’t deliver what is ultimately needed.

Eh? ‘Other candidates’ than what? Other than Eagleton? Those are our choices – Eagleton on the one hand and science, reason, liberalism, capitalism on the other? Why? How? Who says?… Read the rest

Another singer eliminated

May 3rd, 2009 12:31 pm | By

Another woman is reminded that she is not allowed to do anything, and so are all the other women in her part of the world.

The murder of Ayman Udas, who was in her early thirties and newly married, has shocked the city’s artistic community because it symbolises a backlash against women and cultural freedom in an area that is increasingly dominated by Islamic fundamentalists. As a singer and song writer in her native Pashto, the language of the tribal areas and the NorthWest Frontier province, Udas frequently performed on PTV, the state-run channel. She won considerable acclaim for her songs but had become a musician in the face of bitter opposition from her family, who believed it was

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The Madrasa Problem in Pakistan *

May 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

The state has forgotten children and the mullahs have not.… Read the rest

Interrogation Debate Split Bush White House *

May 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

The CIA got very nervous; some Bush officials got nervous; lots of people got nervous.… Read the rest

UAE Torture-tape Prince Accused of More Attacks *

May 3rd, 2009 | Filed by

New tapes may show police taking part in Issa’s attacks; some victims believed to be Sudanese immigrants.… Read the rest