Children were slaves who made money for religious orders in mini factories, farms, and laundry services.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
Mary Kenny Writes a Callous, Frivolous Piece
May 21st, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonShe’s known all sorts of priests, but not the abusive kind, fancy that, it takes all kinds, have another drinky.… Read the rest
Catholic Archbishop Praises Abusive Clergy
May 21st, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonArchbishop of Westminster says it took ‘courage’ for clergy involved in child abuse to confront their actions.… Read the rest
Steven Strogatz on Math and the City
May 21st, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonA mathematical pattern reveals Manhattan and a mouse to be variations on a single structural theme. … Read the rest
God is dependable
May 21st, 2009 10:51 am | By Ophelia BensonI heard part of an old Wire Tap the other day, about a family of atheists deciding to have a religious funeral for an atheist relative (for a social reason). They find the church the late atheist relative had once occasionally attended, and talk to the preacher there, who seems very relaxed and human and understanding, including of their atheism – then at the funeral itself he confounds them by shouting about eternal torment and flames of hell. They were angry but too cowardly to confront him, but on Wire Tap the storyteller (Adam Davidson) phones him to ask some questions. They are important questions, which don’t get asked enough. He asked if he had it right – the preacher … Read the rest
May 21st, 2009 10:39 am | By Ophelia BensonThe new archbishop of Westminster says it took ‘courage’ for clergy involved in child abuse to confront their actions.
I find that absolutely extraordinary. The vanity of it, the self-love and self-absorption, the misdirection, the narcissism, the callousness – it’s just staggering. Courage! Courage forsooth! What courage?! The subject here is six decades of gross abuse and exploitation of generation after generation of children by adult nuns and priests; what does that have to do with courage?! It doesn’t take courage for a grown-up well-fed strong adult to bully and starve and torture and shame a child. On the contrary, as we all know, or ought to, large strong people tormenting smaller weaker people is the very opposite of … Read the rest
The CICA report
May 20th, 2009 3:52 pm | By Ophelia BensonThe Commission into Child Abuse report is out. It found that children lived in ‘daily terror’ of being beaten in industrial schools (which weren’t really schools at all) from 1940 onwards.
… Read the restIt found that corporal punishment was “pervasive, severe, arbitrary and unpredictable” in the institutions where “children lived with the daily terror of not knowing where the next beating was coming from.” The report said that the level of emotional abuse of disadvantaged, neglected and abandoned children by religious and lay staff was “disturbing” and that the Catholic Church was aware long-term sex offenders were repeatedly abusing children…the Commission found that “children were frequently hungry, food was inadequate, inedible and badly prepared in many schools.”…Accommodation in the institutions was
Singh Case Highlights Libel Tourism Dangers
May 20th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThis may be the start of a grass-roots movement to reform the UK’s repressive libel laws.… Read the rest
Simon Singh and the Battle for Free Speech
May 20th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe judge and the British Chiropractic association did not take account of the growth of science activism.… Read the rest
The Catholic Church’s Absolute Power in Ireland
May 20th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBehind that pious cloud of incense, there lurked the terrorising of destitute, orphaned children.… Read the rest
Many Kinds of Abuse, Physical and Emotional
May 20th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘For years we wouldn’t believe that she had tried to get us out, but she made numerous attempts and was told it was impossible.’… Read the rest
Industrial School Victims Seek Justice
May 20th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia Benson‘My mam died but they never told me she died. She died on Christmas Day but they never told me.’… Read the rest
The Irish Church Knew Abuse Was ‘Endemic’
May 20th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonChurch officials encouraged ritual beatings; inspectors failed to stop chronic beatings, rapes and humiliation.… Read the rest
Ireland: the Horror of Industrial Schools
May 20th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonChildren lived in ‘daily terror’ of being beaten, the long-awaited Commission into Child Abuse report has found.… Read the rest
Sundays in the Times with Stan
May 19th, 2009 5:00 pm | By Ophelia BensonRussell Blackford also says why Fish is wrong.
… Read the restIt is, of course, true that the grounding of any knowledge claim will eventually run out. If somebody does not accept our basic assumptions about what forms of argument are cogent and what counts as evidence, we can not convince her of anything that she does not want to be convinced of. For that reason, it’s true to say that there is no argument about anything that is effective in persuading all comers, no matter how fanatical or even insane…[W]hile our various chains of inference cannot be justified all the way down to all comers, it does not follow that none are better than others. Chains of inference don’t need to
The Fish files
May 19th, 2009 4:49 pm | By Ophelia BensonMassimo Pigliucci says why Fish is wrong and silly.
… Read the rest[T]he problem lies with Fish’s cheap rhetorical trick: Stanley seems to think that once one has refuted the naive logical positivist view that human beings can adopt a purely objective viewpoint and grasp reality for what it actually is (a position that in philosophy has been abandoned since the 1950s, by the way), voilà, all knowledge has ultimately been shown to be a matter of faith…It is simply not true, as our friend cavalierly maintains, that “once the act of simply reporting or simply observing is exposed as a fiction — as something that just can’t be done — the facile opposition between faith-thinking and thinking grounded in independent evidence
Bible-verses on Defense Memos Inappropriate?
May 19th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNah. Bush and Rummy ‘appreciated’ them, and that’s the important thing.… Read the rest
Bible-quoting Defense Memos
May 19th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonScary? Horrifying? You be the judge.… Read the rest
Orac on the Hauser Case
May 19th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIt will take time for CPS to find them. Meanwhile, his tumors are growing.… Read the rest
Warrant Issued for Mother of Daniel Hauser
May 19th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe father testified that he doesn’t know the whereabouts of his son and his wife.… Read the rest