All entries by this author

The Philosophy of Jokes *

Jun 21st, 2009 | Filed by

What is it to find something funny? What kind of thing is humour? How do we explain it?… Read the rest

The Tension Between Theocracy and Democracy *

Jun 21st, 2009 | Filed by

God’s will and the people’s wants are not always compatible. … Read the rest

Jean Kazez on Metaphors and Book Titles *

Jun 21st, 2009 | Filed by

God: A Biography – what, God was born in Brooklyn? Walking with God – what’s next, going to the movies with God?… Read the rest

Iran’s Post-Election

Jun 21st, 2009 | By Jahanshah Rashidian

As Iran’s 2009 presidential election authorities surprisingly announced on Saturday June 13th that hard-line incumbent Mahmood Ahmadinejad was re-elected with about two-thirds of the vote, Iranian people were immediately casting doubt on he authenticity of the results. At the same time, the “reformist” candidates of the regime, Mr. Mir Hossein Mousavi and Sheikh Mehdi Kahroubi, sparked accusations of fraud and branded the election a total farce.

It was originally quoted from some staff of Interior Ministry that a second round would have been needed to determine the victor between Mousavi and Kahrubi, who according to them received respectively first and second place, while Ahmadinejad would have already been out of the race.

Nationwide from Monday on, millions of disappointed people … Read the rest

Down on your knees

Jun 21st, 2009 11:15 am | By

The Church of England is gearing up to give the BBC a damn good scolding for being so mean to Christianity and so nice to Islam.

Concerns over the appointment of Aaqil Ahmed, who was poached by the corporation from Channel 4 last month, will be raised in a Church document to be published tomorrow…Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, met with Mark Thompson, the BBC’s director-general, in March to challenge him about the issue. Now a motion prepared for the Synod calls on the corporation to explain the decline in its coverage of religion and its failure to provide enough programming during key Christian festivals.

Sorry to be clueless, but what’s the deal here? Is the archbishop of … Read the rest

Witchcraft Not Compatible With Catholicism *

Jun 20th, 2009 | Filed by

They wear such funny clothes, and there are all those candles and incantations – it just won’t do.… Read the rest

The God-given Right to Bad-mouth Queers *

Jun 20th, 2009 | Filed by

The bill could ban Christians voicing traditional views on sexuality! Except that it couldn’t.… Read the rest

Mick Hume on Liberty in the Age of Terror *

Jun 20th, 2009 | Filed by

Chastises Grayling for looking to written constitutions to protect rights.… Read the rest

Unveil Women in Iran!

Jun 20th, 2009 | By Azar Majedi


The women’s liberation movement in Iran has earned the respect and admiration of all. It has not let the Islamic regime to rest for even one second. Any progression of this movement is tantamount to a huge set back of this misogynous regime. There has been 30 years of constant conflict and battle between women’s liberation movement and the Islamic regime. By imposing the Islamic veil and gender apartheid, the Islamic regime has kept the society in captivity.

Today, the mass protest movement has resolutely come forth. Society is in an upheaval. The balance of forces has turned towards people and liberation from tyranny. It is exactly in such situation that the brave and freedom loving women in Iran … Read the rest

A little epistemic humility would go a long way

Jun 19th, 2009 4:10 pm | By

Jerry Coyne quoted Tom Clark the other day; I want to quote another passage from the same article, ‘Reality and Its Rivals: Putting Epistemology First’.

Of course, many non-empirically based convictions are relatively harmless as guides to behavior so long as they’re confined to our private lives. Beliefs in god, astrology, psychic powers, cosmic consciousness and so forth can be the epistemic equivalent of victimless crimes. But the presumption of such beliefs – that there are reliable alternatives to empiricism – isn’t so benign when carried into the public arena…To imagine that one’s worldview, whether religious or secular, is beyond disconfirmation helps to license an absolutism which brooks no dissent and countenances the demonization of those with different ideas…A

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Jesus and Mo on the Dunning-Kruger Effect *

Jun 19th, 2009 | Filed by

Incompetent people aren’t competent to see that they are incompetent. … Read the rest

Justice Eady Strikes Again *

Jun 19th, 2009 | Filed by

Rules that bloggers have no right to remain anonymous.… Read the rest

This Is Ben Goldacre’s Column on Drugs *

Jun 19th, 2009 | Filed by

In areas of political conflict people behave badly with evidence, so the war on drugs is reliably entertaining.… Read the rest

Ben Goldacre Looks at the Numbers *

Jun 19th, 2009 | Filed by

He asked what steps they took to notify journalists of their error, which exaggerated their findings by a factor of ten.… Read the rest

Iran’s Rural Vote and Election Fraud *

Jun 19th, 2009 | Filed by

Is Ahmadinejad’s support base rural? Not if Bagh-e Iman is representative.… Read the rest

About that book

Jun 19th, 2009 10:59 am | By

Meanwhile, there is this book we wrote. Bunting purports to be criticizing it, but in fact what she is doing is yanking out particular sentences that caught her attention and flailing at them in isolation, as opposed to understanding them in context. This is stupid, and uninformative, and misleading. That’s why I call her reckless. It’s so easy to point out how thoroughly she misrepresents the book. (How does she square that with her Catholic conscience, one wonders?)

But the kind of strident atheism which Benson epitomises intrigues me. It’s driven by a curious intensity which is really peculiar. How about this from the conclusion to her book: “religion is like the total body irradiation that destroys an immune

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Bunting replies

Jun 18th, 2009 5:59 pm | By

Well, the discussion was winding down (or I thought it was), and I was going to leave Bunting in peace…but then she finally posted a comment (and the discussion didn’t wind down after all), so the peace idea was premature. What did she say? Did she admit that she had quote-mined? Did she explain why she is so furious at my (our) putative stridency instead of being furious at the men who murdered a raped teenager while saying ”We will do what Allah has instructed us’? Did she explain what has happened to her since she was so shocked by the Ryan report? Did she apologize for calling me strident, preposterous, crude, lacking in insight, profoundly intellectually dishonest, hysterical, and … Read the rest

Sympathy for the Snookered *

Jun 18th, 2009 | Filed by

None for people who know better.… Read the rest

Michael Ruse at the Creation Museum *

Jun 18th, 2009 | Filed by

He has an epiphany, because he is not one of those horrid new atheists.… Read the rest

Michael Ruse Drops Jerry Coyne a Line *

Jun 18th, 2009 | Filed by

‘I don’t know who does more damage, you and your kind or Phillip Johnson and his kind.’… Read the rest