The struggle shifts to trying to get Chris Mooney to acknowledge his own claims.… Read the rest
All entries by this author
NHS Doctors Want to Talk ‘Faith’
Jun 28th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonDon’t want to wait for patients to ask, want to offer prayers without being asked.… Read the rest
Sholto Byrnes Reviews Does God Hate Women?
Jun 28th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHates it – ‘inflammatory in the extreme,’ no mention of female heads of state. ‘Fans of Richard Dawkins will love it.’ Thanks!… Read the rest
Iran: Death Threats for Protesters
Jun 28th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonKhatami used Friday prayers to accuse the regime’s opponents of ‘rioting’ in defiance of God’s will. … Read the rest
I’m independent, you’re on the fringe
Jun 27th, 2009 4:09 pm | By Ophelia BensonPeter Hess, a Catholic theologian who is director of something called ‘the Faith Project’ at the National Center for Science Education (the what? at the where? yes, you read that correctly) recently said in a Washington Post ‘On Faith’ article (have we got enough name checks of faith yet?):
… Read the restToo often, debates over the public perception of evolution are dominated by the fringes, by fundamentalist Christians and others who reject basic science due to their literal reading of the Bible and by ardent atheists who reject religion because they’ve embraced metaphysical naturalism ― that nature is all that exists. But the silent majority ― that spans the spectrum from theism to atheism ― have no problem reconciling their religious beliefs
On the Conflict Between Reason and Science
Jun 27th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonSam Harris and Philip Ball discuss.… Read the rest
Does God Hate Gun Control?
Jun 27th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonYou better believe it.… Read the rest
Sri Lanka: Astrologer Arrested
Jun 27th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonHe predicted that the president will be ejected from office, police say.… Read the rest
The Ravings and Gibberings of Khamenei
Jun 27th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIran has a culture of rumour and paranoia that attributes all ills to the manipulation of various satans.… Read the rest
The Horror of ‘Witch’ Hunts in Kenya
Jun 27th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBeware – BBC not kidding about the horror.… Read the rest
Science and philosophy are continuous with each other
Jun 27th, 2009 11:08 am | By Ophelia BensonChris Mooney also read the Lawrence Krauss piece in the WSJ. He saw it as yet another chance to say methodological naturalism is different from philosophical naturalism and that scientists have no business going from the first to the second and they’d just better not or else.
… Read the restWhat Krauss is effectively saying is that it is rational to go beyond science’s methodological naturalism to also become a philosophical naturalist…But it is an omission on Krauss’s part not to admit more explicitly that in making this move, one is leaving beyond the realm of science per se and developing a philosophical worldview. I think–though I’m not sure–that in a conversation Krauss would probably admit as much. But by not doing
The invisible activist god
Jun 26th, 2009 5:43 pm | By Ophelia BensonLaurence Krauss says God and science don’t mix.
He has joined his friend Ken Miller in telling school boards that ‘one does not have to be an atheist to accept evolutionary biology as a reality. And I have pointed to my friend Ken as an example.’
… Read the restThis statement of fact appears to separate me from my other friends, Messrs. Harris and Dawkins. Yet this separation is illusory. It reflects the misperception that the recent crop of vocal atheist-scientist-writers are somehow “atheist absolutists” who remain in a “cultural and historical vacuum” — in the words of a recent Nature magazine editorial. But this accusation is unfair. Messrs. Harris and Dawkins are simply being honest when they point out the inconsistency
Fiendish brutality
Jun 26th, 2009 5:19 pm | By Ophelia BensonBack to talking about things that actually matter. What the thugs did to the family of Neda Soltan is quite staggering.
… Read the restNeighbours said that her family no longer lives in the four-floor apartment building on Meshkini Street, in eastern Tehran, having been forced to move since she was killed. The police did not hand the body back to her family, her funeral was cancelled, she was buried without letting her family know and the government banned mourning ceremonies at mosques, the neighbours said…Amid scenes of grief in the Soltan household with her father and mother screaming, neighbours not only from their building but from others in the area streamed out to protest at her death. But the police moved in
Jordanian Poet Imprisoned for ‘Ridiculing Islam’
Jun 26th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonA campaign led by the Muslim Brotherhood and Jordanian Mufti accused him of blasphemy.… Read the rest
Why the Mullahs Fight Amongst Themselves
Jun 26th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBecause interpreting the putative word of God is tricky.… Read the rest
The Burka is a Symbol of Female Subservience
Jun 26th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe freedom to opt for subservience runs counter to other liberties regarded as more important.… Read the rest
Somalia: Crowd Watches Amputations
Jun 26th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonFour men had a hand and foot cut off after being convicted of stealing by a Sharia court.… Read the rest
God and Science Don’t Mix
Jun 26th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonIt is simply honest to point out the inconsistency of belief in an activist god with modern science.… Read the rest
Ethical disagreement
Jun 26th, 2009 11:55 am | By Ophelia BensonSo this Ramsey fella is still at it, so now it’s six days instead of five. He is, clearly, getting some kind of jollies out of goading me – and of course he is succeeding at goading me. I find him highly irritating. But then – that is because he is being so 1) belligerent 2) dishonest. Snake swallowing tail. He succeeds at irritating me by being so obviously determined to irritate me. Naturally that does succeed (unless one is a Buddhist monk, of course). Somebody making a big point of a repeated personal attack is naturally bound to be irritating (except to a Buddhist monk).
At any rate – Ramsey is having himself an enjoyable time, but at … Read the rest
Ireland: Congregations Must Open the Books
Jun 25th, 2009 | Filed by Ophelia BensonThe congregations have agreed to contribute to a trust for former inmates of the institutions.… Read the rest