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Oct 25th, 2023 2:18 am | By

Dear students: You can get extra credit by doing one of these two political things; be sure to provide a screenshot/photo of you doing one of these two political things; you’re welcome.

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Best at all the things

Oct 24th, 2023 5:02 pm | By

At first this is annoying, but then if you enlarge the image it becomes hysterically funny.

(Do I believe that made-up statistic for a second? Of course not.)

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It’s IN the BOOK

Oct 24th, 2023 4:49 pm | By

Oh yay, it’s like old times – I’m the lucky recipient, along with the president and the secretary of Atheist Alliance and 184 others, of an email telling me “the Good News of Salvation in Yeshua (Jesus), our Saviour.” The generous donor is one Céline L – funny that she’s coy about her last name when she has this good news to offer.

And how does she know? The bible, duh.

The texts of the prophets in the Bible bear witness to this. In particular, the prophecy of Isaiah 53.
As seen below:

Isaiah 53:
1 Who believed the announcement made to us? 

Etc etc etc; you know the drill.

And there are a whole bunch more – bible extract … Read the rest

“helping” and “treating”

Oct 24th, 2023 4:16 pm | By

A couple of days ago:

All of what Layton wrote:

Before I started my gender transition (ftmtf) I was working with a psychiatrist and social worker who was “helping” me work through cult abuse, and who diagnosed me with Dissociative Identity Disorder. While “treating” me for DID, which included experimental hypnosis sessions and her encouraging me to “let the alters take over and live their own lives,” she also pushed me to proceed with gender transition…despite the fact

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Actors who prioritized politics and ideology

Oct 24th, 2023 3:54 pm | By
Actors who prioritized politics and ideology

Oh willya look at that now.

But but but how can it be malpractice when it’s affirmative??

Let’s read the excerpt:

“…a collection of actors who prioritized politics and ideology over children’s safety, health, and well-being.”

Nailed it. I love lawyers; they’re so good at nailing.

“…their collective failure to treat her properly in the name of a so-called ‘gender-affirmative’ model of care, a then-new and experimental model of treating transgender and gender diverse children and adolescents…”

In the name of a fad, in other words.

Dare we hope that the fad is on its way out?… Read the rest

The mouth on him

Oct 24th, 2023 10:52 am | By

Trump ungagged.

Judge Tanya S. Chutkan agreed to temporarily lift the gag order that had restricted Trump’s public statements about special counsel Jack Smith, his team and witnesses while she considered a motion from Trump’s lawyers to suspend it entirely while they appeal.

So the giant toddler did what a giant toddler would do.

Within 48 hours, Trump issued a new broadsideattacking the prosecutor, Trump’s first since the gag had been imposed. On Sunday, he took to his social network Truth Social to attack Smith in the exact terms that the order had prohibited, calling him “Deranged Jack Smith.”

When he was born the announcement should have been not “It’s a boy” but “It’s a bully.” He’s the … Read the rest

Admitted making false statements

Oct 24th, 2023 10:41 am | By

And another one:

Jenna Ellis, a former lawyer for Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign, pleaded guilty Tuesday to illegally conspiring to overturn Trump’s 2020 election loss in Georgia, making her the third attorney associated with the former president to accept a plea deal in the sweeping criminal racketeering case.

Ellis, who had been facing two charges including violating Georgia’s anti-racketeering act, pleaded guilty in court Tuesday morningto a single felony count of aiding and abetting false statements and writings.The deal allows her to avoid jail time in exchange for providing evidence that could implicate other defendants and agreeing to testify in any future trials. Ellis worked closely with personal Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, another defendant in the case who

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She fight for all women, she don’t pick n choose

Oct 24th, 2023 9:26 am | By

How dare you write an article that the Daily Mail illustrates with a photo of MEMEMEMEME?!

Proper narc continues to make it all about her.

Let’s think about this. “Feminism is about ALL women. INCLUSIVITY. Or it doesn’t … Read the rest

Green Party women under even more attack

Oct 24th, 2023 8:49 am | By

Glinner shares a Message from Zoe Hatch to Green Party Members:

Dear  …..,

I received notification today that Joe Hudson-Small, Melanie Earp and John Macefield have voted to suspend me from the party for the email I sent to you on 13th October titled Green Party Women under attack. These named individuals are the ‘on call’ members of GPRC who are supposed to protect the party from the most egregious threats to its reputation. My alleged offence was to send an email talking about how Green Party Women are under attack. The attack on Green Party Women has now been made more clear than ever before, for that at least we perhaps owe them a debt of gratitude. The

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Oct 23rd, 2023 2:15 pm | By

Watch the clip.

Dude with pink backpack has shades and a thick scarf obscuring his face. He’s about twice as tall as the women he’s bullying. He stalks around towering over the women and grabbing their signs; he crushes the signs right in their faces, performing the “I’m so furious I’m just on the edge of smashing your face with my fist” ritual. Dude is this “community” in a nutshell: full of hatred and contempt for women who refuse, and big and strong enough to terrorize such women without breaking a sweat.

Updating to add what I forgot to say: he knows which people are women. They’re the one he bullies, because he’s bigger than they are.… Read the rest

Guest post: They’re books, not unexploded bombs

Oct 23rd, 2023 11:05 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Might be.

…with officials planning to draw up guidance for librarians and readers on how to cope with them.e

They’re just books, not unexploded bombs. The way to “cope” with them is to read more books. There are going to be lots of publications with old, outdated ideas that have been superceded by more information and what we believe to be a better understanding. It is still important to keep the “outdated” books because it lets us see the context of the past, lets us see where we’ve come from, etc. Discovering the widespread, casual racism of the past can be alarming, but it’s better to have that awareness (and … Read the rest


Oct 23rd, 2023 10:35 am | By

Sidney Who???

Former President Donald Trump claimed Sidney Powell was “never” his attorney in a social media post Sunday, three days after she pleaded guilty in the Georgia election subversion case.

People are always never his ________ once they stop licking his bum.

Despite Trump’s claims, Powell was briefly an official member of Trump’s legal team in 2020, and Trump stayed in contact with her on election-related matters even after she was ousted from his campaign.

“Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, AND OUR COUNTRY IS BEING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!!! MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY

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Rock throwing 101

Oct 23rd, 2023 10:23 am | By

Musk is doing what now?

…the sight of Elon Musk charging towards Wikipedia with his trademark guile and delicacy was so predictable that it was almost relaxing. He saw a collective resource that people prized and he wanted to hurt it. Why does Wales even need any money to run Wikipedia in the first place, he wondered on Sunday. You could fit the entire thing on your phone, he claimed. Eleven minutes later, he offered $1bn if it would change its name to Dickipedia.

He really is that adult.

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Beware The Group

Oct 23rd, 2023 2:36 am | By

The idenniny trap.

This is the reason why the pedagogical practices that many elite private schools have adopted of late, like racially segregated affinity groups or encouraging students to “own” their “whiteness,” infuriate me. If you know anything about the world, you know how dangerous it is to teach kids to define themselves by the group into which they’re born—and how easily such a culture can lead … Read the rest

That was love, was it?

Oct 23rd, 2023 2:21 am | By

“No place for hate” indeed.

Gee I hope the man’s fist is ok.… Read the rest

Never bin the glitter

Oct 22nd, 2023 5:35 pm | By

Here is how not to resist the social contagion of trans ideology.

What a string of terrible ideas. Don’t bin the glitter! Let him glitter as much as he wants. Join him in glitter play if he welcomes you. Don’t force him into sports or camping – offer them if you like, but don’t force. Not everyone likes sports, not … Read the rest

His hate must be ok then

Oct 22nd, 2023 5:26 pm | By

“No place for hate,” says the huge burly man’s placard, as he punches an older woman in the head hard enough to knock her down.

This was the “No Place For Hate” counter protestor at Nanaimo City Hall today who crossed the street to the side where the parental rights group was gathered, put his sign directly in an

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Guest post: Our core isn’t a flawless gem

Oct 22nd, 2023 11:43 am | By

Originally a comment by Nullius in Verba on A pause for extra sass.

I think that bit about the brutishness of human existence is critical—not Critical. This metaphysics of history and humanity in Critical Theory-flavored views, which they inherit from Marx, is that if not for [insert favored villain], life would be utopian. At the core of existence is pure gold, and it will be revealed by removing all the base substances through the hermetic alchemy of Critique and Dialectic. Humanity is already perfected, and all we have to do is deal with the colonialists, racists, sexists, cisheteronormativists, capitalists. Once we do, the Perfect will be revealed, and Social Man will be finally recognize himself as his own creator … Read the rest

Might be

Oct 22nd, 2023 11:34 am | By

Please flag the problematic books, says…Cambridge University Library???

The University Library, one of just six legal deposit libraries in Britain with some 10 million books, is asking lecturers to flag “problematic” books that might be “offensive/harmful”.

But…dear “university library,” most books might be problematic or harmful. There’s always that potential in nearly everything. If that’s your criterion you should be a paper-recycling facility, not a library.

Examples of such books are being sought from across the university’s colleges, with officials planning to draw up guidance for librarians and readers on how to cope with them.

I think you’ll find that “how to cope with” books is called “education” and that it’s something Cambridge University has a bit of … Read the rest

Guest post: Piggyback on something legitimate

Oct 22nd, 2023 10:42 am | By

Originally a comment by Sastra on Inextricably entwined with cultural fads.

The social contagions that get real social traction are those that can piggyback on something legitimate, and roughly similar. Both Multiple Personality Disorder and Recovered Memory Syndrome were presented as new examples of women/children who suffered abuse in the past which is being dismissed today because “it didn’t happen.” The coping strategies (splitting the mind into separate alters or repressing all knowledge) were legitimized because the person making the claim was clearly suffering. That left the sympathetic with the easy conclusion that This Is Totally Familiar. Kid with behavior problems is being beaten at home. Woman says she was raped and isn’t believed.

Been there; done that; not … Read the rest