All entries by this author

Their long awaited Queerphobia Guidance

Oct 17th, 2023 5:15 pm | By

Nathan Williams at The Critic on “queerphobia”:

Last week I wrote an article about the nasty treatment people in the Green Party have faced when they have questioned the prevailing ideology on gender and sex. The exact figure depends on the question asked, but in general a majority of the public agree that biological sex is real and matters (these are known as “gender critical” or “GC” beliefs). The party appears to be calling most of the electorate “bigots”, which is not a great electoral strategy.

But on the upside, it’s such fun.

The Green Party has now issued a document that seeks to correct this, by branding almost the entire population as bigots. Their long awaited Queerphobia

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Scold’s bridle

Oct 17th, 2023 11:58 am | By

More gag ordering for Trump:

US District Judge Tanya Chutkan has put into writing her limited gag order that bars Donald Trump from making public statements about witnesses who might testify against him in the federal election subversion case as well as prosecutors and court staff.

Trump’s public statements pose “grave threats to the integrity of these proceedings,” especially those that could be construed as harassment and intimidation, Chutkan said in the order released Tuesday.

The written order expands upon what Chutkan articulated during Monday’s hearing about restricting what Trump can say while awaiting trial.

I’m seeing a lot of headlines saying it won’t make a damn bit of difference.

Trump has publicly railed against the so-called gag

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It doesn’t stand up to empirical evidence

Oct 17th, 2023 11:44 am | By

The rise in pseudo-science is it? Concerned about that are you? All of it are you?

But Humanists UK apparently has no problem with the pseudo-science of magic gender.

In the first in a series of posts from LGBT Humanists where guest authors offer humanist perspectives on issues faced by the LGBT community in the UK, LGBT Humanists Campaigns Officer Kristína Zaťková marks Transgender Day of Visibility (31 March) by looking at

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Commitment to submission

Oct 17th, 2023 11:12 am | By

Another university puts out another “statement” full of wild generalizations that can’t possibly be obeyed without creating total havoc.

Trans and Gender Diverse Community

The University is committed to being a Trans-inclusive institution that champions diversity and celebrates the gender identities of students and staff. The University will at no time discriminate against people on the grounds of their gender identity or gender expression. We seek to provide a positive learning and working environment free from discrimination, harassment, or victimisation.

How, I wonder, does the university go about “celebrating the gender identities of students and staff”? And why gender identities in particular? What about all the other precious identities?

Promoting and supporting the diverse identities at the University not only

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Rapidly drying tributaries

Oct 17th, 2023 10:05 am | By

When the rivers dry up

Rivers in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil fell to their lowest levels in over a century on Monday as a record drought upends the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and damages the jungle ecosystem.

The port of Manaus, the region’s most populous city, at the meeting of the Rio Negro and the Amazon River, recorded 13.59 meters (44.6 feet) of water on Monday, compared to 17.60 a year ago, according to its website. That is the lowest level since records began in 121 years ago in 1902, passing a previous all-time low set in 2010.

Rapidly drying tributaries to the mighty Amazon have left boats stranded, cutting off

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Different rules for different fools

Oct 17th, 2023 9:50 am | By

Eva Kurilova draws up a partial list of the contradictions of trans ideology. There are so many and they are so contradictory.

“Trans women” are in danger in men’s spaces and that’s why they deserve access to women’s spaces.

Women who worry about their spaces becoming mixed sex are bigots.

Trans people are a very tiny minority and so they must be listened to.

Detransitioners are a very tiny minority and so they must not be listened to.

Gender is a social construct.

But “trans women” need to be treated as literally female in all aspects of life.

That’s a biggy, isn’t it. The biggy. Women are women via social convention, but trans women really are women and … Read the rest

History lesson from undershirt bro

Oct 16th, 2023 5:25 pm | By

So Owen Jones thinks Hamas gets its views on gay rights from the British empire?

And if it weren’t for that there would be a gay bar on every corner, yes? Because Islamists are so notoriously broad-minded about such things?

Did the British Mandate Criminal Code also prohibit women’s rights?… Read the rest

Guest post:

Oct 16th, 2023 5:06 pm | By

Originally a comment by Screechy Monkey on What would you spend that 9k on?

I have no idea about the health risks, but I think people are underestimating the privacy risks.

Anyone who donates eggs or sperm is incurring the risk that some years down the line, they or their family members will be contacted by the child. I don’t care what privacy protections you were promised when you made the donation, or even what laws exist in your jurisdiction to provide privacy — you don’t know what the law is going to be 20 years from now, and the general direction has been towards “I have a right to know my genetic heritage!”

More importantly, the law may be … Read the rest

What would you spend that $9k on?

Oct 16th, 2023 10:53 am | By

Meanwhile, advertising aimed at convincing women that selling their eggs is a fab fun way to pay for a trip.

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Male fencer Liz Kocab

Oct 16th, 2023 10:44 am | By

Ah how sweet.… Read the rest

Decency and Julia

Oct 16th, 2023 9:19 am | By

Anita Singh at The Telegraph on Orwell’s misogyny:

George Orwell was a “sadistic, misogynistic, homophobic, sometimes violent” man who wrote women out of his story, according to a biographer of his wife.

Anna Funder said that Orwell was a brilliant writer but a complicated man whose personal life was at odds with the “decency” of his writing.

“Decency is such a core Orwellian value. He writes about it. It’s the quality of the ‘proles’ in 1984 that is going to save us. He wanted to be decent, to be seen as decent, by which he meant a man of integrity, the same inside and out,” said Funder.

If that’s what he meant by decency then I … Read the rest

When Artemis

Oct 16th, 2023 8:39 am | By

I’m so tired of seeing men cry crocodile tears over men who pretend to be women in order to invade women’s spaces in order to watch them take showers. SO TIRED of it.

Wtf else would he be?

Even if you think he is in genuine psychic anguish about having a male body, it still doesn’t follow that he gets to move in with women and ogle them when they’re naked. His anguish does not trump their right to get naked away from men.

Why is The Washington Post peddling this misogynistic bullshit?… Read the rest

Where he is frequently called a man

Oct 16th, 2023 7:59 am | By

The Herald [Scotland] helps Willoughby push his narrative:

Britain’s first transgender newsreader has spoken of her surprise at being nominated as Woman of the Year amid an increasingly hostile debate about trans people. 

India Willoughby, known for presenting Loose Women, said she hoped it would be a “small green shoot” for the trans community and a sign that “most mums, grandmas, sisters are on our side”. 

Writing exclusively for The Herald, the outspoken broadcaster spoke candidly about her experiences of abuse on social media, where she says she is frequently called a “groomer”, “paedophile”, and a “man”. 

The reporter who wrote this tripe is a woman. News flash: Willoughby himself is highly abusive on Twitter. The Herald … Read the rest

Not so much Artemis as Priapus

Oct 15th, 2023 5:42 pm | By

Anna Slatz at Reduxx tells us:

The Washington Post is under fire after sympathetically profiling a trans-identified male who enrolled in a sorority at the University of Wyoming and reportedly exposed his erection to the female members. Artemis Langford, who began identifying as a “lesbian” in 2017, was accepted into Kappa Kappa Gamma despite not even meeting basic eligibility requirements.

Plain old boring everyday women can’t do that, but special special special men who say they are women are welcomed with fireworks and a parade. Why’s that? What’s so special about a man saying he “identifies as” a lesbian? Why isn’t it just a childish taunt or insult?

On October 14, the Washington Post released an extensive profile on

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Guest post: Teach resilience

Oct 15th, 2023 5:06 pm | By
Guest post: Teach resilience

Originally a comment by Sastra on Sobwhinesobwhinesobwhine.


“Prepare the child for the road — not the road for the child.”

In The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure Lukianoff and Haidt talk about a sea change in child rearing and education which threw out this idea of instilling resilience and toughness for a more sensitive, concerned, child-centered approach — and as a consequence kids and adolescents became anxious and depressed. The book came out in 2018 and doesn’t really mention transgender issues, but the fragility and sense of entitlement they describe possibly hits its apotheosis there.

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Oct 15th, 2023 12:00 pm | By

Great god almighty.

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He said he said

Oct 15th, 2023 10:37 am | By

The Beeb has more on Trump’s interventions:

During remarks to a crowd of supporters, Mr Trump said Israel had to “straighten it out because they’re fighting, potentially a very big force”.

He called Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant a “jerk” and repeatedly called Hezbollah, the militant Islamist group in Lebanon, “very smart”.

Mr Trump also said that Israel had initially agreed to work with the US on a 2020 drone strike that killed Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani, but that they backed out at the last minute.

“I’ll never forget that Bibi Netanyahu let us down,” he said. “That was a very terrible thing.”

That “Bibi” crap is so grating. He wants to remind us that he knows Netanyahu … Read the rest

Salting the wounds

Oct 15th, 2023 10:17 am | By

The Washington Post editorial board on Trump’s contribution to the response:

In a reckless category of their own, however, were the comments of GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump. To be sure, he labeled the Hamas attack a “disgrace” shortly after it occurred — then pivoted to blaming it on Mr. Biden’s policies. That was about par for the partisan course, alas. Yet the former president went in a bizarre new direction Wednesday by heaping scorn on Israel itself for failing to anticipate the attack and lecturing the Jewish state to “step up their game.”

He labeled the Iran-backed Hezbollah militant group “very smart,” comparing it to an authoritarian he rates highly for ruling “1.4 billion people

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Talk to the hand

Oct 15th, 2023 9:35 am | By

An “activist” (and stripper) called Tom Harlow is making quite a name for himself.

He’s so oppressed by those women.

He might want to be a little cautious though.

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There’s a CHART

Oct 15th, 2023 8:49 am | By

It’s SCIENCE.… Read the rest