All entries by this author

Guest post: Surrender is not peace

Nov 15th, 2023 6:26 am | By

Originally a comment by tigger_the_wing on Let’s give your rights away.

The result of giving in to the demands of narcissists and sociopaths is never peace. It always leads to another round of demands, and so on and so forth until they have absolutely everything; and then what?

First they came for the lesbians, now they’re coming after women and children simultaneously. It was ‘just’ preferred pronouns, now they’re mandatory wrong-sex (or illogically plural) pronouns if you want to keep your job. It was just “We want to live our lives in peace” and now it’s “You have to let us into ALL women’s spaces, shelters, toilets, sports, changing rooms, jobs, BIGOT

Surely this bloke isn’t so full … Read the rest

Let’s give your rights away

Nov 15th, 2023 5:00 am | By

Oh how I love it when men say let’s do a compromise on women’s rights.

How the trans row will end in compromise

By comparison, debates about Brexit and Scottish independence are akin to a chorus of Kumbaya at Brownie camp. There is something about the trans issue that brings out the irrational, the visceral, the absolutist.

Ooh I bet I know what that “something” is. I bet it’s the crazy irrational brainless stubborn wacky stupid mindless unthinking daft witless nature of women. Stupid bitches need a big patronizing man to show them how to do a compromise.

We are close to a compromise on the trans issue that will satisfy neither side of a deep divide. In fact each

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Centering the centrism

Nov 14th, 2023 4:14 pm | By

This is where centrism gets you, especially radical centrism.

Split the difference, yeah? Call him “she” if you like him or think he’s a centrist or want to annoy some non-centrist pedant who knows what pronouns are. Call him “he” if he veers too far to the left or the right. Either way you’re obviously better than everyone else.… Read the rest

The organisation needed an activist

Nov 14th, 2023 9:37 am | By

The new CEO of Endometriosis South Coast issues a “statement” i.e. a tweet.

Endometriosis South Coast (ESC) are a small local charity with an annual income of around £8000. Our team consists of six trustees and five volunteers, all of whom were assigned female at birth and myself.

None of us are paid a salary; we do it to improve the lives of those who suffer

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Amongst them screaming

Nov 14th, 2023 8:52 am | By

Julie Bindel on the latest calculated insult to women:

When the announcement was made, by Endometriosis South Coast on Monday, many of us considered it to be a parody. “We are excited to share with you all that we welcome Steph to the team as our new CEO. Supporting to move forward with our missions as a charity – we are all grateful to have Steph on board” read the announcement on X

The new CEO is a man who identifies as a transwoman.

You know who can never have endometriosis? Men.

Steph Richards is well-known as a trans-activist, often leading the charge of protesters at feminist events, such as one I attended in 2021, in his

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Change your definition, sluts

Nov 14th, 2023 7:29 am | By

Trans “activism” can never get enough punishment of women; it always wants more more more.

Two University of Wyoming sorority alumni have been callously removed as members after more than 50 years by the national organization after supporting a lawsuit to oust the first transgender member.

Kappa Kappa Gamma sisters at University of Wyoming alleged earlier this year that the 6ft2, 260lb trans member would ‘peep at (the other girls) while visibly aroused’ 

Patsy Levang and Cheryl Tuck-Smith, who had been with Kappa Kappa Gamma for more than 50 years, were expelled after they allegedly fundraised for the lawsuit contesting the sorority’s admission of a transgender woman. 

That’ll show those evil bitches.

A district court judge found in favor of the sorority

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Try being aware of women for once

Nov 13th, 2023 5:04 pm | By

This guy is so infuriating.

He’s the one who booted Joan Smith from her unpaid role as co-chair of his commission on violence against women and girls, without a word of explanation, and without ever replying to her questions or anyone else’s. It’s disgusting and he’s disgusting. Ungrateful, unfair, cowardly, sneaky, contemptible…and he’s a misogynist.

He turned off replies, but he can’t turn off quote-tweets, which are very angry. He ignores women and slobbers over trans people, and tries to shut us up when we object. He needs a very serious talking-to.… Read the rest

When they present that way

Nov 13th, 2023 9:29 am | By

What does that mean though?

What does “present that way” mean though?

It can’t mean dress up as the other sex in private, because obviously anybody can do that any time. So what it means is dress up as the other sex in public, i.e. involve other people, including total strangers, in one’s “desire.”

People don’t get to do that. I don’t care … Read the rest

Calendar notes

Nov 13th, 2023 9:13 am | By

It’s never not Trans Awareness something – month, day, year, week, century, decade, whatever – they’re all Trans of them.

No no Fred, it’s never enough, never never NEVER.

GLAAD confirms.

Each year between November 13 – 19, people and organizations around the country participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help increase understanding about transgender people and the issues members of the community face.

Trans Awareness Week takes place the week before Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence

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Section 3 of the 14th amendment

Nov 13th, 2023 8:45 am | By

Conservative lawyer says why Trump is disqualified.

[Michael] Luttig, however, has a plan to stop him. In August he joined with the liberal constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe to publish an article in the Atlantic magazine under the headline “The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again”.

The pair argued that section 3 of the 14th amendment automatically excludes from future office anyone who swears an oath to uphold the constitution and then rebels against it. Irrespective of criminal proceedings or congressional sanctions, they contended, Trump’s efforts to overturn the election are sufficient to bar him for life.

It makes sense. If you, as president, swear an oath to uphold the constitution, and then rebel against it, you’ve pretty … Read the rest

Bang bang cough

Nov 13th, 2023 7:36 am | By

People can be so tiresome.

Residents of India’s capital, Delhi, woke up to smoky skies as air quality dropped after the festival of Diwali. People in the city burst crackers late into Sunday night despite a ban on fireworks due to high pollution levels.

Delhi has been battling toxic air for weeks, with the government announcing an early winter break for schools in an effort to protect children. The city has high pollution through the year due to factors including vehicular emissions and dust.

So let’s definitely make it worse by making loud bangs to celebrate a religious festival. That’s an excellent reason to make more people have worse lung damage.

The same thing happens in Seattle with the … Read the rest

This cannot be dismissed as an omission

Nov 13th, 2023 7:05 am | By

Fair Cop is on the job:

Just the police terrorizing women for knowing that men are not women.… Read the rest

A huge advocate

Nov 13th, 2023 6:36 am | By

The Daily Mail [sorry] on putting a man in charge of an endometriosis charity:

Endometriosis South Coast (ESC) announced on X, formerly known as Twitter, that Labour activist Steph Richards would be leading the organisation.

Ms Richards has previously claimed trans people can change their biological sex ‘a little bit’ and boasted about running a ‘safe space’ where men could dress up as women in secret, including as ‘schoolgirls’. 

He can combine the two! He can run his safe space for men who dress up as schoolgirls out of his office as CEO!

The charity explained that

‘Steph is a huge advocate for what people on the endo community go through.’

The what? It’s a community? Is every disease … Read the rest

Why would women object to this?

Nov 12th, 2023 5:04 pm | By

But it’s women who know that men are not women who are the source of all evil.

It’s funny though that women who are feminist and gender critical don’t say things like that. Even about a man who gloats about being made CEO of an endometriosis charity.… Read the rest

A steph too far

Nov 12th, 2023 4:39 pm | By

Oh yay, a new way to insult women. People are so resourceful.

Steph Richards, that is. He’s a man. Endometriosis South Coast is excited to insult women by appointing a man CEO of an endometriosis charity. I wonder how many female CEOs of testicular cancer charities there are.… Read the rest

Guest post: Women’s concerns are real

Nov 12th, 2023 11:05 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on No escape for women ever.

Why are you so obsessed with hating trans people?

Who here is hating trans people? Having seen far too many linguistic word games and novel, unilateral, ideosyncratic redefinitions of basic terminolgy, you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t immediately trust your definition of “hate.” There is much questioning and criticism of gender ideology and trans activism here. This is not hatred. The actual results of acceding to the demands of trans activism have harmed women. Trans identified males remain males** for life, whatever they wear, whatever surgeries and treatments they’ve had, whatever they claim to be. It is not hateful or bigoted to say … Read the rest

Guest post: An integrated solution whereby the Palestinians become full Israeli citizens

Nov 12th, 2023 10:41 am | By

Originally a comment by Bruce Gorton on The trees will speak.


“falsely claiming Israel is a totally innocent, ”

Nobody has claimed that. At all. If anything this is you projecting your view of Palestine onto us.

Israel is an ethnostate, that in and of itself creates problems. Palestine would equally well be an ethnostate, just a much worse run one.

We can all rattle off issues with Israel past and present. We are well aware of the bullshit you’ve been spouting, those issues do not excuse the targeted mass rape, murder and abduction of civilians.

7 October fully justified a military response.

That means that yes, if Hamas use their civilian population as shields, a lot of … Read the rest

More inclusion but not for you

Nov 12th, 2023 9:36 am | By

I saw this:

So I decided to read the open letter to the Board of AdvanceHE. It’s what we’d expect – they always are, aren’t they.

Dear Board Members, 

As members of the higher education (HE) sector, who believe that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) are crucial to the future of the sector, we recognise the importance of Advance HE’s work in this area. Advance HE

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Guys just wanna have fun

Nov 12th, 2023 5:09 am | By

So Northumbria Police harassed a woman for saying men are not women, and because the police harassed her for stating an obvious banal truth, Newcastle United FC did its bit by punishing her further. Who else is going to step up? Will she be banned from the buses? Thrown out of Waitrose? Escorted out of the library?

A gender-critical Newcastle United fan says the club have suspended her membership because police investigated her for tweeting that “trans women are men”.

The cops investigate women for saying men are men, and then everyone else steps up to punish those wicked shameless whorey women who know that men are men. Welcome to the new Inquisition, so much more inclusive and diverse … Read the rest

Guest post: Beginning to look suspiciously like privilege

Nov 11th, 2023 5:27 pm | By

Originally a comment by Bjarte Foshaug on No escape for women ever.

For being one of the most THE most powerless, oppressed, and persecuted group in the history of the multiverse, People of Gender sure seem to have it their way to an unusual degree.

Would Jews in Nazi Germany be be able to tell Aryans exactly what they were obligated to say unless they wanted “a formal complaint” and “a police visit?”, and would the German Police at the time be doing their bidding by showing up at the door of ordinary civilians for making non-threatening statements that some Jews might consider offensive?

Would the Taliban regime in Afghanistan – or anywhere else for that matter – have … Read the rest