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Feb 6th, 2024 9:29 am | By

Another win.

More from The Courier:

A campaign group controversially excluded from Dundee Women’s Festival is now being invited to take part in the programme.

Women Won’t Wheesht, a grassroots women’s rights organisation in Scotland, heard on Monday from solicitors acting on behalf of the festival to confirm their inclusion.

The climbdown comes after the group claimed it would consider legal action after being told by festival organisers last month that their application had been rejected.

It’s so inspiring when feminist women are excluded from women’s events because they’re not sufficiently deferential to men who pretend to be women.

Last year, the Stand Comedy Club in Edinburgh reversed a decision to cancel a fringe event with SNP politician

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In a playful and joyous way

Feb 6th, 2024 9:07 am | By

The BBC squeals:

Royal Court play Cowbois aims to put ‘trans joy’ centre stage

Surely that should be joi?

A Royal Court play aims to bring trans stories to a new audience in London with an LGBTQ+ take on the Wild West.

Which is it? Trans, or LGBTQ+? Trans, apparently, so why does the BBC call it LGBTQ+?

I suppose we know why. They do it to further the campaign to force-team the LG with the T. Why that’s part of the BBC’s job is a mystery too profound for me to solve.

The producers of Cowbois say the play, first seen at the Royal Shakespeare Company, is for everyone but particularly those less familiar with trans identities.

Writer Charlie

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Art form

Feb 6th, 2024 8:15 am | By

BBC reports excitedly on another installment of Mock Women:

The first Derbyshire Drag Showcase has been announced.

The event, which is being held at Derby’s Museum of Making, has been set up to support Derby and Derbyshire’s drag scene and local LGBTQ+ performers.

We get not one not two but three glam photos of men in exaggerated womanface. Next up: the BBC reporting giddily on a minstrel show, with three photos of people in exaggerated blackface. Right? That’s going to happen, isn’t it?

Mr Webber explained why the museum was the place of choice for the first-ever drag showcase the county has had to offer.

“We fully appreciate that drag is an art form and it’s all about making,

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They are all in the girls’ and women’s section

Feb 6th, 2024 6:33 am | By

Apparently there’s an epidemic of women not being kind enough, so the manufacturers of T shirts for women and girls are stepping up to fix the problem. Julie Burchill has the details:

We may no longer accept the old saw, ‘boys will be boys’, as an excuse for everything from arson to zoophilia. But the icky trend for ‘be kind’ clothing is aimed squarely at one sex. As the social commentator, Laura Bishop, tells me: ‘While shopping for my kids I noticed that there are so many items of clothing which say “be kind”. They are all in the girls’ and women’s section. Every. Single. One. It’s like indoctrination.’

Indoctrination into what?

Submission. Self-abnegation. Putting up with whatever is … Read the rest

It’s all in the eyebrows

Feb 5th, 2024 1:36 pm | By

“Gender studies” academic Susan M. Shaw muddies the waters:

We don’t really have much research-based evidence to say definitively that trans women have a disproportionate advantage in sports. Right now, we’re mostly working out of our deeply-held and rather largely unexamined assumptions about biology and gender.

We do have much research-based evidence to say definitively that men have a disproportionate advantage in sports, and that’s all that’s required.

We could live in a different world. We could live in a world where male advantages simply evaporated the instant the man says “I’m a woman.” But we don’t live in that world. Multiple male advantages are baked in, and don’t go away even for men who take cross-sex hormones.


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Pretty sad at your age mate

Feb 5th, 2024 12:46 pm | By

Aw look at Colin “Katy” Montgomerie bullying a teenage girl.

The 95+ replies are…acerbic.… Read the rest

Mandatory Xianity

Feb 5th, 2024 12:02 pm | By

We still have “National Prayer Breakfast.” In the government. FFRF tells us:

The Freedom From Religion Foundation reiterates its disapproval of the National Prayer Breakfast held today, including President Biden’s involvement, the U.S. Capitol venue and the overarching Christian message.

The 71st annual event, although technically private, had an even stronger appearance this year of being sponsored by the federal government because it took place for the first time in the U.S. Capitol’s Statuary Hall. Historically, when under the open sponsorship of the Fellowship, a shadowy Christian nationalist group, the main event took place at a hotel.

Steps, innit. Start out in private and inch your way into the god damn Capitol building.

There was reading from scripture,

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More dangerous for pedestrians

Feb 5th, 2024 11:50 am | By

It’s a step.

Voters in Paris have approved an effort to drastically increase parking fees for large sport utility vehicles and other heavy cars, the latest move by Mayor Anne Hidalgo to reshape the French capital with environmentally conscious and pedestrian-friendly policies.

It’s nice how the two go together. Walking around does minimal harm to the environment, and massive cars are a bad thing in more ways than just the contribution to global hotting.

Paris residents who park in their neighborhood will not be affected. Neither will taxis or other professional vehicles, or people who use larger vehicles because of a disability.

The city authorities had argued that big S.U.V.s and other large cars emit more greenhouse gases than

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They compiled a dossier

Feb 5th, 2024 9:15 am | By

More on the Newcastle United craziness:

A female football fan was banned from matches over social media posts that were deemed transphobic after a “Stasi” spying investigation by the Premier League.

A special unit set up to root out racism in the game was used to comb through comments made by Linzi Smith, a gender-critical Newcastle United supporter, even though the posts had nothing to do with football.

And even though knowing that men are not women is not racism.

Ms Smith, who is gay and promotes lesbian, gay and bisexual rights and women’s rights, was put under investigation by the police, the Premier League and Newcastle United after expressing strong views on trans ideology on her personal account

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Tampons for boys

Feb 5th, 2024 8:46 am | By

There’s just no pleasing some people. A high school in Brookfield, Connecticut, was kind enough to put a tampon dispenser in a boys’ toilet room only to have it torn out of the wall minutes later.

It’s all part of a new state law that goes into effect this fall. Local and regional boards of education shall provide free menstrual products in women’s restrooms, all-gender restrooms and in at least one men’s restroom for 3rd to 12th grade students. 

Just in case an 18-year-old boy decides he wants a tampon and can’t wait to go to a drugstore or ask a friend or steal one from a sister.

One parent in town, who wished to stay anonymous, was disheartened to

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Feb 5th, 2024 8:33 am | By

The Telegraph:

A coalition of gender-critical groups have accused Stonewall of “targeting” the female boss of Britain’s equalities watchdog. 

Led by women’s rights organisation Sex Matters, which believes biological sex takes precedence over self-identified gender, the 39 groups said Baroness Kishwer Falkner, chairwoman of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, was being attacked for taking action to protect women.

They said Stonewall had subjected her to the same sort of “unreasonable, vexatious complaints” used to harass ordinary women at work.

The groups have signed a letter to the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (Ganhri), which has been persuaded by organisations such as Stonewall to carry out a “special review” into the EHRC, claiming it is anti-trans.

What … Read the rest

Please see his written answer

Feb 5th, 2024 8:24 am | By

Ok, we see his written answer. Now what?

Nasty stuff tucked away in among the boilerplate babbling about undefined “inclusion” and “rights.”

“I am completely committed to equality, inclusion, and freedom,” he says, as if others were committed to inequality, exclusion, and slavery. Inclusion of what? Freedom to what?

“UCU will never be baited into the right-wing culture war” – meaning what? That … Read the rest


Feb 4th, 2024 4:24 pm | By

Uh, yeah.

The tweet Iseult saw was then deleted, but there are others.

“They’ve captured our media, banks, academia”…golly gee that sounds familiar, i.e. exactly what the Nazis used to shout, when they weren’t too busy dropping the zyklon B pellets into the “showers.”… Read the rest

Empower dead people

Feb 4th, 2024 4:10 pm | By

Well now that’s just silly.

Dead people should be able to change their gender, says Labour MP

Dead people can’t change anything, on account of being dead.

A Labour MP has called for the law to be changed so transgender people can have their gender changed posthumously in official records.

Well they can’t do that either, because people of any kind can’t do anything posthumously. They can leave instructions for other people to do things, but they can’t posthumously do them themselves. Aren’t journalists expected to know how to use words?… Read the rest

Guest post: Climate stability of the gaps

Feb 4th, 2024 10:35 am | By

Originally a comment by Acolyte of Sagan on It woz the volcanoes wot dunnit.

Another indication that human emissions dwarf those of volcanoes is the fact that atmospheric CO2 levels, as measured by sampling stations around the world…

This reminded me of conversations I’ve had with climate change deniers who have argued that the global temperature isn’t rising, there are plenty of cold areas that would lower the average that the scientists calculate if only there were more measuring stations. In other words, there are large areas between measuring stations and that’s where ithe colder regions are that would lower the measured average. Some even go so far as to claim that the scientists deliberately avoid those areas in … Read the rest

The little flies

Feb 4th, 2024 9:47 am | By
The little flies

Jo Phoenix takes a wide-angle look at the sitch:

Random observations after nearly two weeks:

1. By trying to shut me up and because I stood up to them, the harassers and bullies and discriminators at OU have given me a platform I would never have had. Own goal there. Misjudged the strength of my conviction and belief in academia. Or you are all just too bloody arrogant.

2. I win a case of harassment, discrimination, unfair and constructive dismissal along with post-employment victimisation and within days I get those who seem to possess “irrational fears” or are palpably “uncomfortable” with sex realism swarming around my X feed like flies on shit.

3. For years I get told *any*

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It woz the volcanoes wot dunnit

Feb 4th, 2024 8:57 am | By

A thing dissenters say about global warming is that volcanoes contribute way more than human activities. Back in 2009 Scientific American said nuh-uh.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the world’s volcanoes, both on land and undersea, generate about 200 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, while our automotive and industrial activities cause some 24 billion tons of CO2 emissions every year worldwide. Despite the arguments to the contrary, the facts speak for themselves: Greenhouse gas emissions from volcanoes comprise less than one percent of those generated by today’s human endeavors.

200 million v 24 billion. Hard to argue that it’s close.

Another indication that human emissions dwarf those of volcanoes is the fact that atmospheric CO2

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No replies

Feb 4th, 2024 8:46 am | By

Hey kids: never ever do this.

Never ever say you’ve demanded a meeting with someone high up in government followed by speculation on the someone’s reasons for ignoring you.

Why? Why never ever do this?

Dear oh dear isn’t it obvious? I’m quite sure it’s obvious.

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To remind them

Feb 3rd, 2024 12:38 pm | By


Oh that’s not censorship, it’s just…er…not having.… Read the rest

Guest post: Fact check your “fact checking”

Feb 3rd, 2024 11:25 am | By
Guest post: Fact check your “fact checking”

Originally a post at Miscellany Room by Your Name’s not Bruce?

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith set to announce changes to policies around “gender” issues

(A link in the above piece takes you to a “CBC Explains: How gender-affirming health care for kids works in Canada” page that carries lots of trans talking points and next to no dissenting ones.)

Most of the above measures seem to be aimed at keeping minors from irrevocable changes. Prime Minister Trudeau has done the forced teaming work for Team Trans, calling the proposed policies “most anti-LGBT policies anywhere in this country.”

Not to be outdone by the CBC, Global News flaunts its own captive status allyship by supposedly “fact checking” Smith’s claims about “trans … Read the rest