All entries by this author

Qatari Woman Imprisoned by her Parents *

Feb 18th, 2006 | Filed by

Beaten, deprived of meals, company, light, any book but the Koran. AI fears for her life.… Read the rest

Hidden Motives Behind Cartoon Riots in Pakistan *

Feb 18th, 2006 | Filed by

Aamer Ahmed Khan says message may be aimed at liberal government rather than Danish cartoonists.… Read the rest

Ten Killed in Libya in Cartoon Riot *

Feb 18th, 2006 | Filed by

Berlusconi said policy of Italian government was ‘one of respect for the Islamic religion.’ … Read the rest

Cartoons not Published for Fear of Retaliation *

Feb 18th, 2006 | Filed by

The prattle about sensitivity is mere smokescreen.… Read the rest


Feb 16th, 2006 6:19 pm | By

I’ve had some emails asking what’s going on with Why Truth Matters, which means there are probably other people who wonder, who haven’t emailed; so I might as well tell you what I know, which is almost nothing. I thought the book was published and about to be in shops and sent out by online places, but the Amazon UK site says the book is ‘usually dispatched within 1 to 3 months.’ JS received one copy on February 3, and two more (I think two) on February 11. Those three plus the editor’s copy are the only ones I know to exist. I have received none. That’s all I know; I’m not kept informed.… Read the rest

Muslim Cultural Institute Dares Ahmadinejad *

Feb 16th, 2006 | Filed by

To visit Auschwitz. ‘In this place of horror he can again deny the Holocaust, if he has the courage.’… Read the rest

Neil Berry Breaks the News *

Feb 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Tony Blair in cahoots with Jews.… Read the rest

Sharia in Malaysia *

Feb 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Very difficult and risky publicly to renounce Islam, and above all, to renounce it in favour of secularism. … Read the rest

Does Prayer Work? *

Feb 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Not so much.… Read the rest

Not Very Veiled Threats *

Feb 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Repercussions, deeper grave, that sort of thing.… Read the rest

Irving Trial Tests Free Speech *

Feb 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Historian argues Germany and Austria have a moral obligation to fight Holocaust denial.… Read the rest

UN Calls for Closure of Guantanamo *

Feb 16th, 2006 | Filed by

One investigator said detention of inmates for years without charge amounted to arbitrary detention. … Read the rest

Peter Strawson *

Feb 16th, 2006 | Filed by

Jane O’Grady in the Guardian.… Read the rest

Creeping Sharia

Feb 15th, 2006 9:39 pm | By

This is good – every day that I go to the mailbox and don’t find the books that should be here by now and that I’m quite (and by quite I mean violently) keen to have, my mood becomes fouler and more bitter, so that’s very good for doing an intemperate N&C. Lovely.

The Staggers does the predictable. Surprise surprise.

The New Statesman has never been afraid to ruffle feathers. Thus it is fair to ask why we, like others in the media, have refrained from publishing the Danish cartoons about the Prophet Muhammad. The reason is simple: we are prepared to take great risks and to cause offence, but only in the name of good journalism. By good journalism

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Child Abuse *

Feb 15th, 2006 | Filed by

Evangelist trains 2,300 students to reject most geology, paleontology, evolutionary biology as lies.… Read the rest

Ohio Expected to Rein In Class Linked to ID *

Feb 15th, 2006 | Filed by

A reversal in Ohio could signal turn against ID since Kitzmiller decision.… Read the rest

Press Hands a Victory to Creeping Sharia *

Feb 15th, 2006 | Filed by

UK and US media have decided it is not their job to help you understand this story.… Read the rest

The Economist Spurns Self-consorship *

Feb 15th, 2006 | Filed by

When freedom of speech is under threat of violence, job of governments should be to defend it without reservation. … Read the rest

New Statesman Bravely Self-censors *

Feb 15th, 2006 | Filed by

‘There is nothing brave about causing gratuitous offence.’… Read the rest

Peter Strawson *

Feb 15th, 2006 | Filed by

Telegraph obit.… Read the rest