A paragraph you have to read twice
A paragraph you have to read twice in order to wrap your brain around it. https://t.co/pwSbMzO7jQ pic.twitter.com/ShWjYQx2hJ
— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) April 20, 2017
Payouts related to sexual harassment allegations at Fox News now total more than 85 million dollars. The vast majority of it – up to $65 million – is going to the accused men.
The millions go to the men who did the harassing.
Jaffe is right: it’s hard to wrap your head around.
Will anyone still watch Fox? Are there still churches in America? Then the answer is yes. The disconnect is immense.
JFC. It pays big money to harass women at Fox. Seems a rather odd thing to incentivize. Maybe Fox needs better contract lawyers.
(be aware there is some sarcasm in the paragraph above)
Clearly, people are not suing Fox and its operatives nearly enough, when you effectively get paid retirement for years of sexual predation.
I’m pretty sure O’Reilly’s contract was just renewed, like, a very short time ago? Meaning FOX SAW THIS COMING and renewed his contract anyway.
I’m sure it’s been surpassed many times since then, but for a while one of the biggest awards of punitive damages in a sexual harassment case was against one of America’s biggest law firms. Basically, one of its partners was a serial harasser, and the firm did squat about it other than some minor, Catholic-church style “reassignment.” Why would a firm filled with astute legal minds, including many who practice in the field of employment litigation, take no action against this partner and thereby allow itself to be exposed to significant liability? Ha ha. Rhetorical question of course; we all know the answer — money!
@ Cazz #2
Speaking of odd incentivizing: I knew someone who had a lovely, big dog. It was a golden coloured Alsatian. This dog was fine with people but didn’t like other dogs, which she would attack. The owner, in the course of pulling her away, would give her dog a treat, thereby unwittingly rewarding and reinforcing the unwanted behaviour. Here’s the kicker: the dog’s owner was a psychologist!
Good lord. When Cooper does that (which he’s only started doing at the ripe age of 6, dammit) I give him a damn good scolding as I pull him back and for some time afterwards.
Aah, but these kind of accusations ruin lives, don’cha know. (sarcasm)
Just in case anyone was wondering whether workplaces are still hostile for women, here we have amazing additional evidence that being male is seen as a pretty good career move at Fox especially.
Yes, but the contract was renewed before it became trendy for advertisers to abandon him, meaning all the dollar signs were still nicely lined up. The harassment was never a problem until the money no longer added up.