Every aspect of his behaviour, from large to small, reeks of his utter disinterest in anyone other than himself. No matter how closely we examine his character, no matter then angle, we will only continue to discover new ways in which he is repellent.
He’s not even pretending to be not-fascist.
Amerika über Alles?
Is the red carpet really supposed to go around his neck?
And what’s with the redingot? Next hot Ivanka item?
Well, he was “miraculously” elected.
Shouldn’t that read “defecation”?
Not sure where to put this, but hey since this post has a picture of Melania, this is quasi-relevant:
Every aspect of his behaviour, from large to small, reeks of his utter disinterest in anyone other than himself. No matter how closely we examine his character, no matter then angle, we will only continue to discover new ways in which he is repellent.
Oh, god, that is so heart-rending.
Yes it is. Yes he is.
Why was this dementia not blatantly apparent to the electorate? (Not that there was much to deteriorate, to start with): Can it be attributed in some part to lead poisoning? Found this old link somewhere; maybe even here? http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2016/02/lead-exposure-gasoline-crime-increase-children-health
Anyway, it seems not totally out of character.