Only the beginning
Peter Walker reports there was a memorial service for LaVoy Finicum today, in the place where he tried to grab his gun while being arrested, and was shot and killed by an Oregon cop. He overheard comments that “This is the shot that will be heard around the country,” and “This isn’t the end it’s only the beginning.”
Peter Walker
Freedom from or to what, one wonders. Freedom to grab a publicly owned wildlife refuge in order to graze cattle on it for free? Freedom to steal public land at gunpoint for personal profit? Freedom to resist arrest by shooting cops and FBI agents? Freedom to make the US into a failed state like Somalia?
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Peter Walker
Peter Walker says there were many guns, openly displayed.
I find it bizarre that they propped up so many US flags. Their entire belief system seems to be based on despising the USA in favor of their own local concerns.
Yes, but their “USA” is made up of whoever they say it is. No government, geopolitical borders, no undesirables.
There fantasy works because they are able to misunderstand the meaning of that flag and which government it belongs to.
Grown men playing cowboys and indians with live ammo.
I suspect everyone who is not one of them gets to play the role of Indians.