Ermergerd a transphobic hate crime

A soap opera from Scotland:

Four killers housed in the female wing of a Scottish jail have become embroiled in a “misgendering” row which led to one being accused of a transphobic hate crime, a court has heard.

Never mind that whole murder thing, zoom in on the putative twanzfobeea. Killing people is just one of those things that happen, but misgendering is unforgivable.

Alexandria Stewart, a transgender woman in HMP Greenock previously known as Alan Baker, claims fellow inmate Jane Sutherley carried out a four-year campaign, between Jan 1 2019 and March 23 2023 of verbal abuse that left them feeling suicidal.

Who? Who is this “them” left feeling suicidal? Both of them? Stewart and Sutherley? Or one of them? But which? We can’t tell. In the rush to avoid pronoun crime even a Telegraph reporter bumbles into incoherence. When it’s unclear which person is meant then you use the name, not a pronoun that could mean either of the two people you’re talking about. Ffs, people.

Stewart, 36, who is serving a life sentence with a minimum tariff of 19 years in jail for the murder of a father-of-two, told Greenock Sheriff Court that Sutherley would insist on using “he and him pronouns”.

And that’s what matters. Not the murder of a guy with two children, but what pronouns people use to indicate the murderer.

During a visiting hour at the prison, Sutherley is also accused of referring to Stewart as a man. Stewart told the court: “I was highly mortified that she had outed me as trans to those who didn’t know I was trans.”

Asked how the situation had made her feel, Stewart said: “My first thought was ‘Do I just commit suicide?’” Stewart added: “I have disassociated myself from people. I don’t trust people any more. My anxiety went through the roof and I am on various medications to keep myself going.”

Aw diddums.

Could that have anything to do with having killed a man?

No? It’s just all about you? Not about you not being killed, but about you not being called “she”? Your priorities are interesting.

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