Awl fawrms ov opreshun
Mmyeah. This is the way to do it. Just list all the good things and don’t pause for a single second to ask whether they are compatible with each other. Six twelve a million impossible things before breakfast.
Sure, kid, sure – challenge sexism and shout that men are women.
How’s that going?
Funny thing: I agree that there’s a place for groups that work to oppose ‘all forms of oppression’. I just disagree that transwomen are being oppressed by being barred from women’s spaces (as opposed to, say, getting beaten up by some drunken yahoos or being denied employment (assuming their attire would be acceptable for a female employee–some of the more aggressively ‘out’ trans women don’t seem to have any idea of how ridiculous those outfits would be in a professional setting).
Speaker: Palestine.
Crowd: Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Speaker: grins broadly.
Me: WTF.
(She might as well said free puppies and ice-cream for all the sense it made.)