Two little words

Undefined buzzwords displace thought.

“But ultimately, it’s important to remember that under the Equality Act 2010, all organizations have a responsibility to make sure trans people are included at work and don’t face discrimination.”

Yes but what are you meaning by “included at work”? What are you meaning by “face discrimination”?

We’re supposed to understand those two items in the familiar generic way, but that’s not what he means by them at all. He means a special new meaning of “included” and “discrimination.”

The familiar generic way is just that inclusion means not being shunned or bullied for no good reason, and discrimination means not being treated as weird or dangerous for no good reason. Inclusion does not mean “included among the women when you’re not a woman” and discrimination does not mean “not included among the women because you’re not a woman.”

The unspoken but crucial meanings this sly dude is using are carefully veiled and implicit and not spelled out, because if they were spelled out it would be obvious how grotesque and unjust they are.

This trick is performed absolutely everywhere, and needs to be called out absolutely everywhere.

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