Not all men

Won’t somebody please think of the poor stigmatized men?

Lone male travellers should be allowed to sit next to unaccompanied children on passenger planes, a discrimination tribunal has ruled. The decision comes after a man was asked to swap seats with a woman by the cabin crew of a flight travelling from Oslo to Paris in October 2022.

They told him he could not be seated next to two children travelling alone, with the policy being enforced by Air France to prevent any possibility of predatory behaviour. But the man, Dominique Sellier, filed a complaint with Norway’s anti-discrimination tribunal, which ruled that the airline’s policy was discriminatory.

Yes it is but (sorry to repeat myself) sometimes discrimination is necessary. Sometimes it’s for bad reasons but sometimes it’s not. Life is complicated that way.

According to the tribunal’s ruling late last year, a copy of which was obtained by AFP, Air France’s policy stipulates that if a flight is fully booked, a woman should “preferably” be seated next to unaccompanied minors.

And why would that be? Because sexual predators are very rarely women.

In proceedings, a lawyer for Air France argued that the crew was merely following company policy, which was based on the argument that men account for 97.93 per cent of all suspected sex crimes.

There you go. 98 percent – that’s why you don’t want to seat a child next to a male stranger on a plane.

Mr Sellier said Air France generalisation about men went too far, adding: “How can we accept this kind of suspicion because we belong to the male gender?”

By being a god damn adult, that’s how. By realizing that it’s more important not to let children be creeped on than it is to coddle the vanity of men.

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