Old guard thinker

Kat Grant – FFR’s women-explainer – has a long post responding to Jerry Coyne’s. It’s quite remarkably sloppy and badly written/reasoned.

Originally, I had planned on launching this blog in the New Year. It seemed like a good, solid time to launch a new project, allowing everyone to get through the holidays with minimal issue.

Wat? Everyone? Because the whole world is agog waiting for this blog?

If you are in the state-church space you may have seen that the Freedom From Religion Foundation recently posted a column by biologist and old guard atheist thinker Jerry Coyne, “rebutting” my “What is a Woman” blog, also written for Freethought Now. 

Oof. Terrible writing. Only the third sentence and we’re hit with all this. Sneery ageism plus scare quotes on “rebutting” – as if he were too dimwitted to take on a genius like her. And the whole structure of the sentence is messy and awkward. Those who cannot write should not try to tangle with those who can.

Now deleted, Coyne’s blog argued that we should not ignore “biology,” as well as cited a debunked British study as “proof” that transgender women are more likely to commit acts of sexual violence.

Even worse! Awkward wording again, stupid scare quotes, clumsy mistakes – this person cannot write her way out of a paper bag. “Now deleted” meaning what? Now deleted why? If now deleted why discuss at all? What mean? Please clear be.

Scare quotes on biology.

“as well as cited” – you mean as well as citing, you illiterate child.

“cited a debunked British study as “proof” that transgender women are more likely to commit acts of sexual violence” – one, he doesn’t use the word “proof” at all, and two, he of course doesn’t word what the study suggests that way. Kat Grant’s clueless translation shows that she’s in way over her head. What he does say is this:

But even here Grant misleads the reader. They argue, for example, that “Transgender people are no more likely to be sexual predators than other individuals.” Yet the facts support the opposite of this claim, at least for transgender women. A cross-comparison of statistics from the U.K. Ministry of Justice and the U.K. Census shows that while almost 20 percent of male prisoners and a maximum of 3 percent of female prisoners have committed sex offenses, at least 41 percent of trans-identifying prisoners were convicted of these crimes. Transgender, then, appear to be twice as likely as natal males and at least 14 times as likely as natal females to be sex offenders. While these data are imperfect because they’re based only on those who are caught, or on some who declare their female gender only after conviction, they suggest that transgender women are far more sexually predatory than biological women and somewhat more predatory than biological men.

He says “suggest” and she shouts “prove.” What a bonehead.

To put a long story short, the blog was bad. Coyne combined straw man arguments and stochastic terrorism to create an essay that was almost comically bad, if it weren’t for the sheer danger it presented.

It’s to “make a long story short,” not “put.” As for “the blog was bad” – kid, you need to work hard on your own reasoning and writing before you accuse other people of being comically bad.

That’s just the first three paragraphs, and it’s more than enough. The mystery is why FFRF prefers this nitwit to Jerry Coyne.

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