How to
Surprise surprise, it’s not just France.
Telegram ‘rape chat groups’ with up to 70,000 members uncovered
Ain’t technology great?
Thousands of men are participating in chat groups in which they share suggestions on how to rape and sexually assault women, a German investigation has revealed.
The groups, on the instant messaging service Telegram, have as many as 70,000 members who mostly communicate with one another in English and appear to come from a variety of countries.
Users claimed to have assaulted women in their household, including wives, partners, sisters and mothers, and also shared instructions with others on how to do the same.
It’s what Germaine Greer said – “Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.”
Gay man can’t fathom this shit. Gay man imagines what would ensue should he start chat group about how to rape men, partic. toothsome straight dudes.
MIke #1, I’m two steps removed.
What would ensue?
What would ensue?
Tar and feathering followed by immolation!