He just wanted a look
A 15-year-old boy has been charged after a mobile phone was discovered hidden in a girls’ toilet at a secondary school in Dundee.
The incident is understood to have come to light when a female pupil at the school discovered the device on Tuesday afternoon.
Police Scotland said the boy has been charged in connection, following a report of voyeurism.
A new Dominique Pelicot in the making.
You can buy better spy cams on Amazon; cell phones are obvious. So the kid’s a moron to boot (not terribly surprising).
Thanks for that information, BKiSA; given that I have to use unisex toilets whenever I leave the house, I’m never going to be comfortable again, am I? Technology has brought back the urinary leash even more effectively than giving men permission to use women’s facilities.
Well as I often say, this is our dystopian cyberpunk hellscape nor are we out of it…