Ownlee teezinng

Well, you can call it a “light jab,” or you can call it a stupid childish insult from the stupidest, most childish, peak epically vulgar head of state on the planet.

US President-elect Donald Trump took a light jab at his Canadian counterpart on Tuesday, referring to Justin Trudeau as the “governor” of the “Great State of Canada”.

Imagine Trump considering it a “light jab” if some wag said he was the governor-elect of Florida.

At Mar-a-Lago, Trump remarked that Canada should become the 51st US state – something that was “in no way a serious comment”, said Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc, who accompanied Trudeau to the dinner.

“The president was telling jokes, the president was teasing us,” he told reporters early this month.

No he wasn’t. He thinks he’s better than everyone else, so his “jokes” are never mere jokes or mere teasing (and “teasing” is in general lightly disguised bullying anyway, even when it’s not Trump doing it). People shouldn’t make light of Trump’s disgusting manners.

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