Whose game of political football?

It doesn’t though.

It isn’t “gloating” to be glad children won’t be given puberty blockers for frivolous reasons. Blocking puberty isn’t “healthcare” except in the case of premature puberty. Gender skeptics are relieved that the harm of blocking puberty will be stopped. Hines doesn’t agree that it is a harm, but she ought to be able to grasp that many other people do.

I suppose for people like her trans ideology is like being in a club or a sorority or a cult, rather than a coherent set of ideas. It’s a badge, a secret handshake, a wink, a clubhouse, a mechanism for excluding the uncool.

The issue is the healthcare of a vulnerable group of young people, but not in the way Hines means it. It’s about keeping that healthcare out of the hands of gender fanatics before they ruin any more lives.

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