Guest post: A bunch of unrelated people in a box
Originally a comment by Mosnae on More than just a parade.
I think it’s important to emphasize a distinction in meaning here – in this case, as in most, “LGBTQ+” does not mean (the set of all people referred to by some letter within the initialism), but rather (a fairly specific political movement which purports to represent that set). Of course, the whole movement feeds deeply on conflation and on this idea of a huge, united, sociopolitically monolithic “community,” even though this is not only absurd and self-contradictory given the alleged nature of the community, but also quite patronizing to the individuals it claims to defend, and blatantly in disagreement with reality: there are many “members of the LGBTQ+ community” who don’t actually feel that they have some sort of deep and inextricable connection to each other, and who have their own sets of values and beliefs.
All in all, I feel that a lot of “LGBTQ+” discourse and initiatives are just lumping a bunch of unrelated people in a box in order to exploit the resulting image for self-interested purposes. Since the associated rituals are capable of bringing significant popularity while requiring little effort and having little concrete impact on anything, they are very convenient for politicians. There are places out there where homosexuals are routinely put to death; surely stopping this would be a worthy cause, yet we seem to hear much less about it than we do about, say, correct pronominalization. I propose that this is because it’s easier. So, if you will, there is little LEGITIMATE “focus on LGBTQ+.”
It is likewise, I think, that there is so little focus on women. Actually putting an end to the rampant sexism of current societies would be a huge deal of work, require lots of changes in our ways of thinking, and that’s just plain hard. People aren’t up to it, and politicians aren’t bold enough. On the other hand, coming up with a narrative about pink and blue brains that are sometimes located in the wrong bodies is easy. Why take on legitimate causes when there are much cheaper ways to achieve gratification?