Sowing distrust

Advance cheating:

Key rightwing legal groups with ties to Donald Trump and his allies have banked millions of dollars from conservative foundations and filed multiple lawsuits challenging voting rules in swing states that are already sowing distrust of election processes and pushing dangerous conspiracy theories, election watchdogs warn.

They also warn that the groups appear to be laying the groundwork for a concerted challenge to the result of November’s presidential election if Trump is defeated by Kamala Harris.

That’s a good look. Decide ahead of time, in the absence of any facts, that the election will have been corrupt because you don’t like the outcome. You don’t see too many will have beens in normal life, because in general we understand that we don’t know now what will have happened then.

Voting experts don’t see much merit to the group’s lawsuits and many others filed by Trump-allied groups.

“Many of these suits seem like vehicles to spread conspiracy theories and misinformation,” said Leah Tulin, a senior litigation counsel with the Brennan Center. “In other words, they read more as press releases than serious legal claims.”

All hat and no cattle, as the saying goes.

Election watchdogs say the aim of these pro-Trump groups with election-denialist track records, coupled with the surge in lawsuits by other Maga allies, is to cast doubts about election rules and security, and are harbingers for challenging the results in key states if Trump loses.

So even if he loses the tedium will go on and on and on and on…………

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