Full steam ahead

When in doubt, go full Mermaids!

The NHS has been accused of ignoring the Cass review recommendations on transgender care for children. Dr Hilary Cass’s report advised that under-18s should not be rushed into treatment which they may later regret following concerns about care at the Tavistock clinic. However, a new NHS centre has snubbed the Cass review in favour of discredited transgender guidance that promotes both puberty blockers and surgery without age limits.

Well which is more important, following the hot new trend or letting children grow up without mutilations?

The Nottingham Young People’s Gender Service was founded in April to give psychological and social support to children with gender dysphoria who were former Tavistock patients and are currently taking or waiting to start puberty blockers.

In a job advertisement for a clinical psychologist position, the centre says it is “essential” to “practice [sic] in a gender affirming manner in line with” guidance from the controversial World Professional Association of Transgender Healthcare (WPATH).

What if WPATH is wrong? What if the whole idea of “affirming gender” is just a fad? What if it’s as medically sound as lobotomies or female genital mutilation?

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