Guest post: The gender mess is the gateway

Originally a comment by Artymorty on Always wrong.

I’m quite amazed that Trump’s rhetoric appears to be working with many people. But then again, I can kind of understand why it’s striking a chord.

For example, I had a long conversation with a MAGA guy last night. A former liberal, so he says, and I believe him, this being solidly left Toronto. But now he’s on the right and he’s buying it all: war will go away if Trump gets elected, the culture war “craziness” will die down, and — this is what surprised me the most — Trump will thwart the billionaire global elites’ sinister plot to… do something or other… something something immigrants.

And then, with a shift in his tone, as if testing me, he asked me point blank what I thought about “trans in sports.” And I told him. Suddenly we were on the same page, and he could trust me and open up to me.

But as I really listened to him, I came to see that his real anxieties are that he feels deeply distrustful of the legacy media after having discovered that so many things he was told were lies, and he’s resentful at his liberal friends for attacking him whenever he revealed even the slightest disagreement with the liberal message of the day. He talked of being scolded and unfriended on Facebook… and he talked of seeing outright lies in the headlines, to the point that he abandoned the legacy media altogether. I sense his extreme views reflect a reaction against the left and the media, but taken to extremes, to match the extreme sting of anger he feels at the betrayal — a retaliation mindset, as Adam Gopnik put it in the New Yorker:

We are frightened and we are angry; we look to expert intervention for the fears, and to comic but effective-seeming figures for retaliation against the experts who disappoint us.

Comic but effective-seeming figures, like his cinematic hero (as he told me), the Joker.

From the sound of it, now he gets all his news from alt-bro podcasters, and much of it is way more conspiracy-fringe-extreme than I had even imagined was going on over in Rogan-world.

It’s telling that he started opening up to me only after he asked me about trans in sports. Ah-ha. Just as I’ve increasingly suspected: the gender mess is the gateway to the far right. It offers unambiguous proof that the legacy media are liars and that the alt-bros are trustworthy. From there, it’s a short walk to “Trump will save us” and then “Ukraine must be given to Russia.” It always leads to Putin in the end, because, as the Department of Justice has revealed, Putin is the one financing the alt-right bro mediasphere.

And then, with a shift in my tone, I made it clear that I think Putin is a monster, a thief, a thug, and a murderer. The spell was broken, and the conversation cooled and died off.

The far right hooked him with trans, and he’s theirs now. I don’t think we’re getting him back.

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