A disgrace to the name of Sherlock

“I find it sad that people feel so threatened by someone saying there is something other than biological male and female, and I think if any of us with lived life experience in this house can recognize that while our world is still very much built around binary male female order of things the reality is that there are a small number of people, but a real number of people, who believe they’re born in the wrong body, believe that they don’t fit into the male-female definition.”

Yes of course there are people who believe that, but they’re wrong. There are people who believe all kinds of absurd things – real people, who make a real number of people. There are lots of people like that. We know. We don’t dispute that. What we dispute is the jump from that to the claim that what they believe is true.

What we dispute is the claim that because they believe it so passionately, so noisily, so endlessly, so tediously, so ferociously, that somehow that makes it true.

It. doesn’t.

What we dispute is the claim that because they believe it so passionately the rest of us are somehow obliged to agree with them and pretend it’s true.

We. aren’t.

What we dispute is the claim that because they say it so loudly and so often the rest of us are somehow obliged to say it along with them.

We. aren’t.

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