Always wrong

Trump says Lincoln should have just gotten his act together and negotiated that whole Civil War thing.

It’s not exactly clear what Trump thinks Lincoln should have done to “settle” the dispute between the North and the South, the latter of which seceded from the Union largely because it wanted to keep enslaving people.

The South thought it had a right to keep enslaving people. It’s weird to think that, because what about the rights of the people being enslaved? Why should a purported “right” to enslave outweigh a right to be free, to be not enslaved, to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

Elsewhere in Trump’s sit-down with Fox, he claimed that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is “very much into women’s health,” that Kamala Harris is “a low-IQ person,” and that in a Harris presidency, “you won’t have any cows anymore.”

I don’t have any cows now. Most people don’t have any cows. We don’t have any place to put them, or any need for them if we did have the space, or any desire to milk them.

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