Under the influence

It seems they have a website.

“…convicted torturer SJ/Alan Baker. I have raised a PREVENT and a safeguarding concern with Met Police and Westminster City Council”

I suppose Baker designed the website, too, because that’s how dumb it is.

Home page:

The rights and freedoms of trans+ children and young people have been deliberately and systematically eroded. We have been made into political tools for failing British politics in order to create moral panic, split the left, and distract from real problems.

Eroded? Eroded from what? What are these rights and freedoms of “trans children” that have been “eroded”? Do they extend back into the past as far as we can see?

Of course not. Nobody was talking about “trans children” until recently, so nobody was talking about any such “rights and freedoms.” Newsflash: children don’t have the kinds of freedoms adults have, because it’s not safe for them to have such freedoms. There are no special rights for “trans children.” What Baker no doubt means is the “right” to be talked into idennnifying as trans and proceeding to ruin your life. He’s talking about recruitment, not rights.

About page:


We deserve equal access to gender-affirming healthcare. To delay care to a trans person is to deny it. We don’t have time to wait. Secondly, we should be able to give informed consent to our own treatment – just as any cisgender young person already can.

Well that depends on how you define “young person,” but seeing as how the website is for “trans kids” with no minimum age mentioned, Baker clearly means from infancy on. I’m pretty sure toddlers can’t give informed consent to anything, let alone medical treatment. Baker is an idiot.

We deserve to be treated with respect in all areas of life. We are human beings, and should be protected from misgendering and deadnaming at all times.

Massive non sequitur. Might as well say we are human beings, and should be protected from leaf mold and dry rot at all times.

And finally

We deserve to be heard in all matters which affect our lives. We should not be used as political pawns, and must not be made a spectacle for the benefit of politics or the press.

That is hilarious. Baker is using them as political pawns and making them a spectacle for the benefit of politics and press, and ventriloquizes them as saying he should not be doing that.

There is of course a page telling you to check their fundraising page.

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