So white and privileged and heterosexual and never marginalised in your life

The Times interviews Sandi Toksvig:

Toksvig certainly boasts the widest-ranging CV imaginable. Her most recent achievement was officiating at the Abba star Björn Ulvaeus’s third wedding last month in Copenhagen. She and Ulvaeus, it transpires, have been friends since 2015, when she organised a Scandinavian-themed Women of the World festival at the Royal Festival Hall, where an all-female orchestra played Waterloo and Ulvaeus appeared. “You can be feminist and fun, you see.” More recently they collaborated on writing the interactive show Mamma Mia! The Party.

“Björn is a very gentle, not divaish person; he and I are both humanists,” she says…

I knew that about Björn. That time I went to Stockholm when Hatar Gud Kvinnor? was published, his daughter picked me up at the airport. I pretended not to know.

But that’s not why we’re here. This is why we’re here:

“I’m easygoing, but I’m also keeping an eye on things. The world is still full of people who take against your life. Homophobia’s increasing. The only good thing about lesbians is they titillate men so it’s marginally less aggressive towards us. I don’t know what they think Deb and I are doing. Mainly we’re discussing if the tomatoes have gone off.”

The hostility, Toksvig continues with quiet fury, is fuelled by “intemperate language on social media around the trans discussion. That’s opened the door to people thinking it’s now fair to have a general go at diversity, that the world is too woke. I don’t know how you can be too woke — woke means being awake to the dangers that are around you. Mental health within the LGBTQ community is not good and that’s not because you’re not comfortable with who you are. It’s the way society treats you.”

She is especially angry by [about] how many “radical feminists” attack trans people. “How could you be so white and privileged and heterosexual and never marginalised in your life yet you decide to punch down on people?”

Excuse me? Excuse me???

Who tf says we’re all privileged? Who says we’re all heterosexual? Who says we’re all never marginalized?

What utter bullshit. Women are not privileged in the sense of seen as and treated as better than the other sex. That’s rather the point of feminism. We have to fight to be seen as and treated as not the worst, the stupid, the weak, the sly, the whoreish, the disgusting sex. We have to fight to be seen as not inferiors. That doesn’t suddenly stop being true just because some men pretend to be women and berate us when we say they’re not.

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