Law is one thing and reality is another

Another turn of the screw:

What is a woman? This now highly controversial issue will be decided in November by the highest court in the land.

No it won’t. It’s not the kind of thing that can be decided by a court, however high. The question would have to be “What will we all be required to call a woman?” or some similar wording for the claim to be true. Courts decide law; they can’t decide reality.

The justices — three men and two women — will be led by Lord Reed of Allermuir, 68, president of the court and the UK’s most senior judge. He is undaunted by the task. “When we hear cases … we are not trying to decide what social policy ought to be. That’s not our function. What we are trying to do, generally and in this particular case, is to interpret a particular statute or provision.”

What I’m saying. The Times really should have worded it that way. This business of confusing “what we are going to tell you to say” with truth or reality is the fundamental trick that gender ideology has been using and getting away with all this time.

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