Sorry we lost the stats

The shouters win again.

Note the “We appreciate all feedback on our services, especially from residents who asked us to reconsider holding this program.” Why especially the no-sayers? Why them? Why appreciate them more than the yes-sayers? More pointedly, why especially the fans of magic gender rather than the people who don’t believe in magic gender? Why does team magic win? Why is their feedback “especially”?

Also note that the people of no already had their program last March, and this one was supposed to be the turn of the other point of view. Magic gender had its say, and now disbelief in magic gender has had its say shut down.

Then note the ubiquitous dishonest waffle “transgender participation in sports.” The issue isn’t “transgender participation”; the issue is men in women’s sports. We know they know this, because they’re always so very careful not to say it.

Also note that they cite the bullying as a reason to let the bullying win.

Pack of idiots running a library.

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