Green Party identifies as having bright future

The BBC tells us the Green Party fucked around and found out.

A bitter legal battle could blow a hole in the Green Party of England Wales’s general election campaign funds. The BBC understands courts could force the party to pay between £200,000 and £400,000 if it loses a case against former deputy leader Dr Shahrar Ali.

The party’s financial auditors note the case has left “uncertainty” about its ability to keep running normally. The Greens are proposing a 50% increase in membership fees to build funds.

So maybe it was a mistake to punish and shun Ali for understanding that men are not women.

A Green Party spokesperson said: “Like many organisations, the Green Party is facing some challenging financial times, however it is wrong to suggest that the party has anything other than a very bright future and strong public support. We are confident that we will be in a better position than ever before as we go into the next general election.”

As they go into the next general election telling us that men can be women, and punishing Greens who don’t agree that men can be women. Better position?

Commenting on the legal case brought by Dr Ali, the party said it “remains proud of its focus on equality and human rights for all and our support for the trans community”.

Equality has nothing to do with forcing people to agree that men can be women. Nothing at all.

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