Legally an aardvark

There are things the law can’t do. Lots of things, actually. A big thing the law can’t do is change physical reality. You can pass a law saying the sun orbits the earth, but the sun will continue to not orbit the earth. The sun is not subject to human laws. There are lots of things you can replace “the sun” with in that sentence.

“Caster Semenya is legally female, was assigned female at birth, raised as female, and identifies as female. It seems clear on the face of it, therefore, that Semenya is female.”

Interesting choice of word, “seems.” “Seems, madam? Nay, it is; I know not ‘seems.'”

In fact, of course, no it doesn’t seem clear on the face of it that Semenya is female. Not on the face of it or the foot of it or the buttocks of it. All four items in that fatuous list are social, aka a matter of choice, aka artificial as opposed to natural, aka fantasy as opposed to reality. And speaking of on the face of it, the faces of the women Khelif punched know damn well he’s not female.

It’s cringey seeing adults continue to say these ridiculous things.

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