Chase? Is that you?

Reduxx reports:

Indiana Department Of Corrections Ordered To Arrange Transgender Baby Killer’s “Gender Surgeries” After ACLU-Backed Lawsuit

Who knew baby killing was a civil liberty?

That’s a cheap shot, because the “civil liberty” is the gender surgery bit not the baby killing bit, but the horror of the contemporary ACLU brings out the cheap shot-monger in me.

The ACLU has successfully fought to have a transgender baby killer be given taxpayer-funded “gender affirming” surgeries. Yesterday, the United States District Court of Indiana ruled that Autumn Cordellioné, born Jonathan C. Richardson, had been subjected to “cruel and unusual punishment” by being denied the various plastic surgeries he had demanded.

When did non-medical plastic surgeries to change appearance become so essential that not getting them is cruel and unusual punishment?

Richardson is currently serving a 55-year sentence for the murder of his 11-month-old stepdaughter. As previously reported by Reduxx, Richardson had been left to care for the child while her mother was at work…

The baby would later die at the hospital, with the cause of death determined to be asphyxiation by manual strangulation. Richardson was booked awaiting a court hearing, and would later tell a prison official “all I know is I killed the little fucking bitch.”

Well no wonder the ACLU is standing up for his sacred right to be a woman.

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