Big guy

More on the delicate flower “Karla Marx” –

No no, child, she declined to say that trans women aka men are women. This is because men are not women. She’s not a phobe for knowing that men are not women. You’re a buffoon and a bully for demanding that she say they are, and volubly scolding her when she declines.

He doesn’t have any “reality as a woman” because he is not a woman. He’s a man, and not only a man but also a large loud domineering conspicuously manly man. He’s big, and he’s shouty. Those are the two primary ways men domineer over women. It’s almost funny that he demands everyone call him a woman, doing so in a classically loud aggressive shouty way that screams “man” to any woman who’s been exposed to it, which is all of us. He uses his male voice to try to intimidate a woman who didn’t do what he told her to do. He put on a demonstration of exactly why we can’t possibly see him as a woman.


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