Watch the enemy
There was a lesbian march in Leeds Saturday.
Well we can’t have that, can we.
No, we can’t have that. We must change the subject to men who call themselves women, and berate the lesbians who marched for not being inclooosive of men. Women must never be allowed to exclude men from anything. Women are dangerous subtle enemies, and can never be trusted.
Hahahahahaha, “Stop believing the false names […] give to their […]”. I thought the whole point of the TRA movement was that everyone needs to believe that what people call themselves is what they are.
GW: That’s the move, though, isn’t it? (1) Do the thing, (2) accuse others of doing the thing, (3) deny doing the thing yourself. It’s just like the “rudeness” accusation. You’re rude and disrespectful if you refer to someone by his or her actual sex. Just ignore the inciting rudeness and disrespect of the demand to not just lie but perceive counter to reality.