23 years into the marriage

Reduxx tells us:

A Canadian man in his sixties who abandoned his wife and children to live as a six-year-old girl is currently promoting his memoir about his transition. Stefonknee Wolscht, formerly known as Paul Andrew Wolscht, is a father to seven children and was married to his wife for 23 years before claiming to be transgender in 2009.

I call fake on his claim to be trans. If he were serious he wouldn’t name himself Stefonknee. He might as well have named himself Pederast.

Prior to “coming out” as transgender, Wolscht was a father to seven children and had been married to a woman for over two decades. In his memoire, he claims that after telling her his wife that wanted to begin living openly as a “woman” in 2009, she demanded he move out.

Though [he is] portraying himself as a victim of transphobia, Reduxx has located old posts Wolscht made to social media in which he admits to threatening his wife and children after announcing his gender transition.

It woz the gender anguish wot made him do it, guvnor.

Disturbingly, Wolscht has claimed that he is “welcomed into classrooms to educate children on gender and sexuality.”

In an exchange on X in which one user expressed criticism of Wolscht’s sexual proclivities, he replied: “We have a long way to go. Perhaps I’ll teach a TERFs kid soon.”

Yes but trans people are the most persecuted demographic ever of all time. Shut up.

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