So much for the anonymity you requested

Consider carefully the malice. Seriously. Consider it very very very carefully. There’s a lot of it, and it’s persistent, and it targets mostly women. Get your considering boots on.

Sarah’s full tweet:

And as I have made very clear to the BSB, you need to consider carefully the malice behind much of this. This man requests anonymity – it is granted to the extent that I will not be informed of either complaint or response. Man then publishes entire thing to show that claimed fragility was bogus. If the BSB proceeded with this then presumably I would not be told the name of the accuser. I consider this unacceptable. Complainants must be named because – in my now considerable experience – the majority are vexatious.

A minor quibble. Isn’t “at [ ] earliest convenience” meant to be the earliest convenience of other people, not oneself? Isn’t “at my earliest convenience” rather absurd? It’s a semi-polite bossy order given to someone else, not a musing on one’s own future plans. Isn’t it?

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