He identifies as non-binary

A piquant headline:

Former SNP equalities officer who wanted to ‘beat up terfs’ convicted of sexual assault

To be clear, it’s not that he wanted to beat up terfs convicted of sexual assault. No. It’s that he has been convicted of sexual assault. Laughably titled “equalities officer” wanted to beat up women who know that men are not women, and oh gee whiz what do you know it turns out he’s been doing some beating up himself.

A former SNP equalities officer who told how he wanted to “beat the fuck” out of gender critical feminists has been convicted of sexually assaulting six young adults.

Cameron Downing, who was an official in the SNP’s London branch, preyed on multiple victims and threatened to make rape allegations against one man if he refused sexual contact with him, the High Court in Edinburgh heard.

That is, I take it, if he the one man refused sexual contact with him the “equalities officer.” If only each man had special bejeweled pronouns it would be clearer. Anyway, point is, putative equalities boffin turns out to be not very equality-minded.

The 24-year-old, who identifies as non-binary, has been pictured at an SNP conference with former first minister Nicola Sturgeon and took part in a Pride March alongside Karen Adam, the SNP MSP and convenor of Holyrood’s equalities committee.

I have to wonder why Sturgeon would have a 24-year-old equalities officer in the first place. Surely a little experience plus maturity is desirable in candidates for jobs of that kind.

His conduct online has been criticised by JK Rowling, after he wrote on X, formerly Twitter, that he wanted to “beat the fuck out of some terfs and transphobes”. He also tweeted “I fucking hate terfs and transphobes with such a passion.”

Oh that guy. I remember that tweet. Says it all, doesn’t it. The trans thing isn’t really a liberation movement, it’s a pretext and a motivation for raging at women and getting props for doing so. The whole point is really just hating women with such a passion.

Police Scotland launched a probe into Downing and discovered that he had preyed on victims across Scotland in a course of conduct that began when he was only 16.

A female victim, now 24, told how he had made abusive comments to her at a New Year Party in 2018 about her weight, which caused her to get drunk and become sick.

Just the fella to be an equalities officer, yeah?

[O]n Friday afternoon, after two days of deliberations, jurors found Downing, of Willowbrae, Edinburgh, guilty on charges of sexual and physical assault. Judge Alison Stirling remanded Downing in custody, rejecting his lawyer’s application for bail. She told him: “Your status has changed.  I will adjourn sentence to obtain a criminal justice social work report and you will be remanded in custody.”

Equalities officer no more.

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