Too much wiggle room

Has the wave crested? Are the cool kids rolling their eyes?

In December, the Government finally published its Gender Questioning Children guidance. Education Secretary Gillian Keegan claimed this guidance “puts the best interests of all children first, removing any confusion about the protections that must be in place for biological sex and single-sex spaces”.

The parents of kids who, out of the blue, had announced they were “trans” thought this response was wholly inadequate. The new guidance still gave schools wiggle room to allow a child to socially transition (changing his/her birth name, demanding pronouns different to his/her biological sex). And social transitioning is not a harmless act, as Dr Hilary Cass pointed out in her interim 2022 Review into Gender Identity Services.

Of course it’s not, because there is no locked door between social “transitioning” and the physical kind.

Most children grow out of gender dysphoria given time and it is often symptomatic of something else; not least that standard condition of adolescence: feeling really rubbish about yourself.

That plus the allure of feeling Special, Different, Interesting. Trans ideology has been ruthlessly marketed as all that.

So on Friday, a group of claimants will apply to the High Court for a Judicial Review which will claim that Mrs Keegan and the Department for Education are, in effect, sending a message to schools that they can break the law with their soft stance. “The unlawful political indoctrination of children in gender identity ideology is now commonplace in schools and colleges,” one of the witnesses claims. “Over the last few years, the country has witnessed a surge in children who express dissatisfaction with their birth sex and choose to identify as ‘trans’ (or ‘non binary’). Trans and non binary are taught in Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) as ‘cool’ identities which must be embraced and celebrated at any cost.”

And this is where “diversity” and “inclusion” can become such a trap. They stop being about not bullying kids who are different, and become advertisements for being different and special and utterly fascinating instead. It’s no longer about “don’t persecute kids who are different” and is now about “don’t you wish you were as different and fabulous as your trans classmates?”

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