Worse than ever
This borders on lying.
That’s like saying amputating a smashed leg is the same surgery as amputating a healthy leg. Yes they’re both amputations of a leg, but the difference in the reason for the surgery is not a trivial difference.
Gender dysphoria is a psychological problem. Voluntary amputations to address a psychological problem are at least a risky practice, and there are people who regret theirs. It’s extremely creepy to see the ACLU actively urging people to get themselves mutilated.
In other words CHCO continues to provide mastectomies to breast cancer patients.
Here’s the ACLU pretending that mastectomies for breast cancer are the same kind of thing as mastectomies for emotional distress.
It’s outrageous, reckless, grotesque, evil.
If you* believe that the use of “they” to refer to a specific person whose sex is known is just like Shakespeare’s use of singular “they”, or the modern use of singular “they” when a person’s sex is unknown or irrelevant, it’s not too big a leap to believe that chopping off breasts is always the same regardless of the underlying need.
*Generic “you”, that is.
@WaM #1
The ACLU also calls the patient “him,” when it’s clearly a female patient who wants the mastectomy.
No surgery is without risks, and a mastectomy does have an impact on the body. These surgeries should not be done without pressing medical need. Wanting to be who you are not is NOT a pressing medical need.
The ACLU has lost touch. Once we start connecting superficial similarities while disregarding underlying circumstances, anything can be justified. Rosa Parks being told to move to the back of the bus is no different than passengers on the subway being told to step back and let new passengers in. Whatever was the fuss?
Very good point.
I’m reminded of a bit of wisdom that my colleagues used to tell each other: never apply a technical solution to a political problem. (Except in this case, it’s a surgical “solution” to a mental dysfunction.)
Political solutions to technical problems are a category error in the opposite direction; technical problems aren’t going to give a damn to politics.
And that is itself part of an wider attempt to impose a political solution to a biological reality. All of the word games, legal fictions, and gender Lysenkoism in the world will never prevail against the obstinately, immutible, binary nature of sex in humans. If sex were a spectrum, and changeable, genderists wouldn’t need the constant, heavy-handed reinforcement, bullying and intimidation, or the tortuous linguistic subversion. TWAW would be another fact of life, like gravity; no clappy “daily reminders” would be required. Think of it as the material manifestation of “Stonewall Law.” But that’s not the world we’re in, despite all the furious wishfull thinking. Instead, we’re being dragooned into participating in a cheap, threadbare counterfactual that is much lesss compelling or coherent than most bad fan fiction.