International School for Exploring Authentic Selves

The source is conservative talk radio, but if the facts are true as reported then that’s what they are.

An activist history teacher failed a Seattle student on a quiz for saying only women can get pregnant and that only men have penises.

A 10th grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher at Chief Sealth International High School in Seattle gave students a quiz titled, “Understanding Gender vs. Sex.” The quiz provided a series of statements to label true or false, or questions with multiple choices.

Many of the questions focused on personal pronoun use (When someone uses ‘they/them’ pronouns, what does that mean about their gender identity?”) or assumptions one may make around gender identity (“True/false: Transgender people are gay”). Two questions, however, are objectively false, but students are taught the opposite.

Question 4 was a true or false question with the statement, “All men have penises.” The student labeled the statement “true” since it is, in fact, true. But the teacher penalized the answer, marking it incorrect. The teacher claims women can have a penis.

Well, wait. The question is badly worded. It should be “Only men have penises.” If you say all you get questions about amputations and industrial accidents and so on. But if the teacher says women can have a penis the teacher should be in another line of work.

Similarly, Question 7 was a true or false question with the statement, “Only women can get pregnant.” Again, the student marked the statement “true” because only women can get pregnant. Again, the teacher penalized the student, insisting the answer is false. The teacher believes men can get pregnant.

There you go: “only,” not “all.” Some women of course can’t get pregnant, but zero men can get pregnant.

And what the hell is a school doing teaching this trendy garbage? And what’s it got to do with history? Unless it’s a class on the history of bonkers ideas and ludicrous fads, which is a very interesting subject.

Seattle Public Schools, through a spokesperson, defended the quiz as “inclusive,” arguing it was appropriate for an Ethnic Studies course.

Oh I see. So Ethnic People have different biologies from normal people. They’re really going with that?

“Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to establishing inclusive environments that allow exploration of contemporary issues, specifically examining the impacts of power systems such as racism and patriarchy,” the spokesperson said to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “This commitment extends to fostering welcoming and inclusive settings where students, staff, and families have the freedom to express their authentic selves.”

Oh ffs. If that’s true it’s both shocking and embarrassing.

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