Well ask yourself

I’m finding this “identity” discussion Colin Wight is curating quite frustrating, because I can’t figure out what he means by “identity” and he keeps elaborating on it without saying what he means by it. I gather we’re all supposed to know, but I’m kind of allergic to things we’re all supposed to know (and act on, and respect, and so on) that can’t be defined.

Well ask yourself what a class identity is, or a National identity? It’s the same thing with gender. It can only mean you identify with/as the word proceeding it. So it would mean they identify with gender not sex. And gender is; the norms, values, expectations, roles, practices, and beliefs a society places on the sexes. So gender identity would be to identify with the norms, values, expectations, practices, and beliefs a society has placed on the sexes. Some people identify intensely with gender; some not at all. And that’s exactly what we observe; trans people adopt the gender norms associated with the opposite sex. They identify with an image of the opposite sex they’ve constructed in their heads on the basis of their understanding of those gender norms. Re your questions, we tend to see. 1; some do actually believe they are the sex they identify with, some don’t. 2. Some do want to become the opposite sex and undergo surgery etc, some just dress and act as if they’re the opposite sex. 3. Most, I would suspect do want to be seen and recognised “as if” they were the opposite sex. The way this is mostly attempted is through gender expression and performance. 4. Since it’s gender identity, the way they mostly achieve this (3) can only be by adopting the gender norms (stereotypes) of the society they’re in. As with any identity to express it to the world we have to signal it. Punks wear particular clothes. Nationalists fly flags. Women (according to the gender norms)…wear make-up, dresses, act feminine, can’t drive, dance around, are ditz. See Dylan Mulvaney, he’s a perfect example of someone who thinks being a girl is to conform with the gender norms we associate with the female sex. He can’t demonstrate how he’s a girl by acting like a large gamete (that would be sex identity), he can only signal it using signs that society will understand. That’s gender.

Like that. “Well ask yourself what a class identity is, or a National identity.” I have no idea! That’s my point! I do not know what you’re talking about. I don’t see what “identity” adds to “National” there. Nationality is a crisp, official, simple fact.

I don’t have a “class identity” or a “National identity.” I don’t normally capitalize “national,” either. I have a nationality: it’s just a fact. My class is less factual, more complicated, more open to debate, as is the case with many people, so using the two together as examples is unhelpful.

I’ve written about this puzzle of what people mean when they blather about “identity” before. One of my columns for Free Inquiry was about it. As we all know, trans “identity” is a very big and obtrusive subject – but that’s because it’s so ridiculous and counter-factual.

Maybe this bit will help clarify?

As with any identity to express it to the world we have to signal it.

So identity is something we want to express to the world?

But what if we don’t? What if we don’t want to express it to the world? What if we wouldn’t dream of flouncing around in the world expressing our idenninies all the time?

I’m stumped. I cannot figure out what he’s talking about.

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