White feminist tears
Melanie Newman, Julie Bindel, and Hayley Dixon on Oxfam’s hatred of women:
An Oxfam staff training document says “privileged white women” are supporting the root causes of sexual violence by wanting “bad men” imprisoned.
Ah it’s the Karen card. Oxfam is playing the Karen card. Women are just bitches who complain about being raped instead of smiling stoically and pretending nothing happened.
In the wake of sex scandals that have rocked the charity, Oxfam has produced guidance which states that: “Mainstream feminism centres on privileged white women and demands that ‘bad men’ be fired or imprisoned”.
Accompanied by a cartoon of a crying white woman, it adds that this “legitimises criminal punishment, harming black and other marginalised people”.
I can’t do any sarcasm any more. That’s just breathtaking. Is there some mechanism by which we can take money away from Oxfam and give it back to donors? Imagine all the women now realizing they sent money to this. Privileged white bitches that they are. (I wonder if there are any white men at Oxfam.)
It advises staff to read a controversial book which concludes: “Mainstream feminism is supporting, not undoing, the root causes of sexual violence.”
What’s tributarystream feminism? Wait, I know this one – it’s all trans women, isn’t it.
…the charity was warned on Wednesday night that the document, compiled by its LGBT network and seen by The Telegraph, could breach equality laws as it suggests reporting rape is “contemptible”.
The four-week “learning journey” recommends that staff read Me Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism, a book by Alison Phipps, a professor of gender studies at the University of Sussex.
Ahhhhh that book.
Summarising the book’s central premise, the Oxfam document says white feminists need to ask themselves whether they are causing harm when they fight sexual violence.
It then links to Prof Phipps’s Twitter account and a thread which summarises the main themes of the book, including: “White feminist tears deploy white woundedness, and the sympathy it generates, to hide the harms we perpetuate through white supremacy.”
I remember when that book was published. I remember the white-hot rage. Phipps may very well be the worst of a bad bad bad lot.
Naomi Cunningham, a discrimination and employment law barrister, says the document may breach the Equality Act, which bans harassment in the workplace on the basis of sex.
“The message seems to be that a woman who reports a rape or sexual assault to the police and presses charges is a contemptible ‘white feminist’,” said Ms Cunningham. “I think any woman could make an arguable case that this has created or contributed to ‘an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment’, which is how the Equality Act defines harassment.”
Excuse me, I have to go gibber with rage now.
I’m over this. I don’t care if Oxfam and any other charity does something good. When they adopt this revolting and absurd kind of stance they deserve to be shunned and shut down. They’re openly supporting rapists and abusers over victims and I can only speculate as to why, but it doesn’t lead me to any good places. Honestly I feel like throwing up seeing the potential world that people I care about might have to live in.
In 1513, Spanish explorer Vasco de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and became the first European on record to see the Pacific Ocean. He named it the ‘South Sea..’
Today, we can cross the Isthmus of Oxfam and take in an ocean of bullshit so vast as to be visible to the naked eye from Mars.
“We’re an organization that has enabled predators to rape and sexually abuse poor, vulnerable women and children. We really don’t like being called out about that, so we’re going to try and convince everyone the rapists and sexual abusers aren’t the real problem. It’s those white feminists who get angry and cry when they find out Oxfam staff have raped black and brown women and children.”
“causing harm when they fight sexual violence”
Makes the Catholic Church look progressive. At least the bishops pretend to be against rape.
I would guess that in the UK at least the main supporters of Oxfam, as donors and volunteers, are white women, especially middle-aged white women (who are working and so have some spare cash) and elderly white women (who are retired and can work in the shops). Go into any charity shop and the members of staff will be elderly white women, out of proportion to their number in the population at large.
I suppose this kind of document is a down wiv the kidz attitude, using their language, as you get with any young woman who pops up on Radio 4, Woman’s Hour or some cultural programme, and starts on about empowerment, inclusion, diversity etc as an approach to every damned thing.
I’m gonna start calling this the “Progressive Bro Three-Step”:
1: Feminists make headway against rape and rape culture. This is usually with a very broad-based approach, often focusing on education campaigns about consent and strengthening support systems for victims. However, it usually does include a push for greater punishment for rapists, particularly the under-prosecuted ‘date rape’ that makes up the majority of sexual violence in this country. Black feminists usually do the heavy lifting on the other category of rape that is often overlooked by the system–serial ‘street’ rapists who are often able to operate with impunity in the black community, as the cops don’t make the effort to look for commonality in the attacks, until forced to by massive media attention (which often, I suspect, means the perpetrator of the attacks is given plenty of forewarning that the cops are actually going to come after him, so he’ll skip town or at least lay low for awhile).
2: The justice system, which is demonstrably both misogynistic and racist, then uses this as an opportunity for cracking down on the black community, and ignoring the area most in need of correction.
They primarily focus on the relatively small number of cases involving a black assailant on a white woman, with the occasionally foray into aforementioned category of serial rapists in the black community. This often is accompanied by much media activity by the prosecutors, helping play up the stereotype of the dangerous Black Sexual Predator. Since conviction rates matter more than actually protecting women, they use the usual array of ugly tactics to get a confession or plea-deal out of the first plausible suspect they can come up with, rather than actually demonstrating the guy did it in court (and thus often resulting in miscarriages of justice whic can take years to get corrected, if they ever do). Of course, when focusing on the black community like this, the cops also make lots of other arrests for crimes completely unrelated to sexual assault, as part of a ‘law and order’ campaign; these also involve the aforementioned false convictions. This inept and corrupt overpolicing does, in fact, increase the disenfranchisement that plays at the root of so much crime in the black community.
Meanwhile, they continue to fail to prosecute cases against that majority category of men committing date rape (which, ironically, include far more cases where the assailant is able to be identified, and often even named by the victim), especially on campuses, preferring the to blame the victims for ‘dressing like sluts’ (an actual quote from an actual police spokesman several years ago). Thus, the crime statistics continue to skew in incredibly blatant ways, showing that middle-class and higher white men get passes, while black men get disgustingly high false conviction rates.
3: Then when the evidence of this systemic abuse comes out, some group of ostensibly leftist men and the occasional well-meaning ‘good girl’ (in the latest round, of course, it’s been the mostly male trans-rights brigades) then come forward and blame the feminists for this problem, rather than doing the actual work of forcing the police and prosecutors to be held accountable for their misconduct. Why confront the powerful when you can just blame the women and call it a day?