For “legal” read “notional”
You can’t have equality between the sexes if sex is determined by rhetoric rather than reality.
“Legal sex” here means “fictional sex.” It’s ridiculous. It’s not workable or reasonable to base laws on fictional “identities.” Eventually you’ll have everyone identifying as heir to the throne and entitled to all that cash.
I wonder how Lady Haldane would rule if a lot of people started identifying as military veterans entitled to the benefits that go to such veterans.
Not sure how the laws came about in the UK pertaining to sex but in the USA, Title IX was passed by people who were not fainting naive little flowers – they knew all about men who cross-dress for a sexual fetish and about men who are so mentally ill that they truly believe they are women and men who dress up as women for entertainment purposes. So, the lawmakers could have added any or all of those categories of men to the law if that is who they wanted the law to cover. But they passed the law on basis of sex, not mental confusion, drag shows or male fetishes.